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The Marine conquest of Tarawa in November 1943, followed by the joint Marine-Army capture of Kwajalein and Eniwetok atolls in the Marshall Islands, had broken the outer ring of Japanese defenses and set the stage for succeeding operations.

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Q: Why was the Battle of Midway such an important victory for the US in the Pacific?
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What 3 pacific battles were the most crucial to allied victory?

The Battle of Midway is by far in my opinion the most important in the Pacific. U.S. victory at Midway led to the destruction of the Japanese naval fleet.

Why did Japan took midway?

They attempted to take midway because it was an important geological location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, almost halfway to the United States.The Americans won a decisive victory at the battle of Midway

Where is midway island and way was the battle of midway so important?

The Midway Islands are in the Pacific, roughly halfway between North America and Asia. The battle (in 1942) was an early victory for the Allies (although it would take another three years to defeat Japan into surrender).

What was the US response to the Battle of Midway?

The US victory turned the tide of the war in the Pacific to US favor

Midway and the coral sea were?

Midway was a naval battle between the USA and Japan during WWII. The victory by the USA at Midway spelled the end of the War in the Pacific for Japan. The Battle of the Coral Sea fought in 1942 was another strategic sea victory for the Allied Forces.

Which battle in the pacific in 1942 was a crucial victory for the allies because it stopped Japanese advancement towards the hawaiian islands?

The Battle of Midway .

The battle in the pacific in 1942 was a cricial victory for the allies because it stopped Japanese advancement towards the hawaiian islands?

Battle of Midway

What battle was turning point in the pacific?

the battle of midway

What is June 1942 midway?

What you are referring to is known as the Battle of Midway, in June 4-7, 1942. The Battle of Midway is sometimes regarded as one of the most important and crucial battles in the Pacific Theater. The Battle consisted of major naval and air engagements over control of the Midway Atoll. The battle ended in a decisive American Victory with four Japanese Carriers being sunk.

The battle that was the turning point for the Allies in the South Pacific was the Battle of?

the Battle of Midway

Where was the Battle of Midway?

Near the island of midway in the Central Pacific Near the island of midway in the Central Pacific

First major allied victory in the pacific and first time in naval history ships did not engage one another directly?

Battle of Midway battle of Sicily