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because they were too slow in gathering their army. Similar situation in WWII.

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Q: Why was russia defeated in World War 1?
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Who defeated russia in World War 1?

Japan in the Russo-Japenese war.

Was Armenia defeated in the World Wars?

Yes and no in World War 1 they were conquered by Russia, in World War 2 defeated the Nazis(Germans).

Did Germany declare war on Russia in World War 1?

Yes after Russia declared war on Austro-Hungary. (Germany's ally)

What countries were defeated in World War I?

what countries wre defeated in world war 1

What were the effects of World War I on Romania?

Romania joined World War 1 in 1916 on the Entente side. Though defeated, it gained Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina from Austria-Hungary and Bessarabia from Russia.

When did Russia join World War I?

Russia joined world war 1 in 1914

What was Russia's war debt after world war 1?

World War 1 left Russia's economy in complete devastation. By the end of the war Russia had 8,000,000,000 rubles of debt.

Which leader took Russia out of World War I?

Vladimir Lenin took Russia out of World War 1.

Was World War 1 in Russia?

no russia was in world war 1 they had a big army and stuff but they were not great so they basicaly pulled out of the war early on.

What was countries which was defeated in World War 1?

what was the countries which was defeated in world war one

What event led to Russia's early exit from world war 1?

The Bolshevik Revolution was the event that led to Russia's early exit from World War 1. It was a costly war for Russia.

Who was defeated and who won World War 1?

Great Britain, France, and the United States defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Russia made a separate peace with the Entente powers a year earlier.