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All the countries in Europe believed that they needed to arm themselves to the hilt to prevent other countries from attacking them. This however made the countries around them nerves and they started arming up themselves to be able to defend themselves. With all the countries on edge, because every one around them had a large military, all it took was one man important man to be shot to make everything break lose.

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Q: Why was militarism the most important cause of World War 1?
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How far was German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914?

German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914

What were the three most important causes of world war 1?

The three causes of the war were the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, widespread militarism and economic imperialism.

Which contributing factor to World War 1 does the passage most clearly reflect?

The alliance system

What as the most important invention that was in World War 2?

The most important invention in world war 2 was the atomic bomb.

Which of admiral mahan's goals for becoming a world power is consider most important?

His take on the important role of sea power in the world

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How far was German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914?

German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914German militarism the most important cause of war in 1914

What is the most important cause of World War 1?

there were actually 5 main causes: Militarism Alliences Imperialism Nationalism The spark : Assassination

What were the three most important causes of world war 1?

The three causes of the war were the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, widespread militarism and economic imperialism.

What is the most important long term cause in World War 1?

alliances is the most important long term reason

Which factor was the most important cause of World War 1?

The Human factor

Which was most important influence in setting the stage for world war 1?

The most important influence in setting the stage for World War I was militarism and alliances. When building a military and keeping it strong, became a sign that the country was ready to fight. When the other countries were on edge. Other nations were pulled into the war by alliances and they didn't need to be involved.

What were the ideologies in World War 1?

The ideologies that were present in WWI were militarism (the military and army being the most important part of a group of people), colonialism (setting up colonies in other countries), and nationalism (pride in one's country).

In World War 2 which country and leader used militarism?

The Japanese under Hirohito were militarists. The Nazis under Hitler were totalitarian and technically fascist, with a hint of socialism, and the Italians under Benito Mussolini were the most extreme fascists. Militarism could apply to all three, however, because fascist states were categorized by militarism.

Why Leonardo davici so important?

Cause he was one of the most fomous artists in the world. He painted the Mona Lisa.

What document was considered to be the major cause of world war 2?

Well, Document/ Treaty. It was the Treaty Versailles. That was probably the most important and hated cause of WW2.

What was the role of militarism as a cause of ww1?

The countries were building up their armies and navies to prove they were the most powerful. Because the countries thought that their armies were the best, they felt they did not have to be as careful when dealing with other countries, because they had something to back them up. This led to a lot of disputes which contributed towards WW1.

What are some examples of militarism?

Venezuela and most of the rest of south america