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It was the starting point of the Civil War.

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Q: Why was fort sumter an important part of the civil war?
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Significance of attack on fort Sumter?

it was the first real important battle of the Civil War. It finalized that South Carolina was part of the Confederacy

Was Texas and Arkansas allied with the South in the US Civil War?

Texas and Arkansas were part of the Confederacy during the US Civil War. Both states had slaves, however Texas joined the Confederacy before the assault on Fort Sumter, and Arkansas joined the rebellion after the assault on Fort Sumter.

Why was Major Robert Anderson important?

Union major Robert Anderson became a part of US Civil War history as the commander of Fort Sumter. Food supplies were unable to arrive at the fort in the Charleston Harbor. With repeated cannon bombardments by the South, Major Anderson surrendered the fort to the Confederates.

How did the south test president lincolns vow to hold federal property?

By firing on the island garrison of Fort Sumter - officially 'federal property', but to the Confederates, part of South Carolina.

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April 12,1861:Confederate troops attacked Fort Sumter on that day.This thing started the Civil War.

How did the US Civil War begin start?

The spark that lit the war was when the South Carolinians (which became part of the Confederation) attacked a Federal Army Post at Fort Sumter.

Why was the confederate batteries fired on fort Sumter?

Because they wanted to assert Confederate control over the fort, as it was part of South Carolina.

How did the US start the civil war?

A bunch of Southern states declared that they were not part of the USA anymore. Then one of them attacked a US Army base at Fort Sumter (which quickly surrendered), officially beginning the war.

Why did the Confederates fire at Fort Sumter?

The Confederates attacked the federal Fort Sumter in the Charleston Harbor of South Carolina because its commander, Major Anderson refused to surrender. Attacking the fort was an error as it brought on the US Civil War.

What was the Attack of Fort Sumter?

The South seceded from the Union. In their view, this made Fort Sumter part of their territory, being held by Union forces. They demanded that the Union soldiers surrender the fort. Lincoln had to either order the men holding the fort off... or he had to send a re-supply ship to provide the men at the Fort with the means to stay. He ordered the Fort to be re-supplied. This was taking to position that the Union was still the owner of the territory. South Carolina took this to be a provocation because it denied their rights to their own territory. If they were no longer part of the Union, then the Union could not have forces on their land. They began shelling to make this point.

Why did the south attack fort sumpter?

Because the men at Fort Sumter got sent some ships with supplies such as food,ammo,etc. and the Confederacy(Southerners)were mad about this.So they attacked,and a day after,the North surrendered,which,in terms,lead to the Brother VS Brother war.Hope this is Useful!