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because it was surrounded on three sides by the germans therfore leaving it extremely vunerable to assaults and bombardment

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Q: Why was defending the Ypres salient so difficult?
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Why was defending ypres so difficult?

because the Germans had some good positions were they could see the allied troops attacking easily, most of there positions were uphill.

Why did the first battle of Ypres happen?

It was an important battle. At the Second Battle of Ypres, the gas attack was effective, and that's why there are gas bombs today. =) During WW1 there were 3 main battles fought at Ypres. It was a strategic strong point known as the Yrpes Salient. This means that it stuck out into the German's front line. This was a highly important position to defend for the British/Allied forces and one that the Germans wanted. In the first battle of Ypres, the British captured the town and reoccupied the lost ground. In the 2nd battle from April 22 to May 25, 1915, the Germans made a great attack using gas for the first time in an attempt to retake Ypres. The final battle of Ypres, better known as Passchendale, took place between the 21st of July and the 6th of November, 1917. The 36th Ulstur Division lost many men here and fought with outstanding bravery along with all commonwealth troops. The Meningate stands as a mounument to all the soldiers who died in battle. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Passchendaele was just near Ypres. And so is Wikipedia :P Also I just spellchecked that whole paragraph above.

What made the invasion of Omaha beach so dangerous and difficult?


Why did Lincoln tell his troops to not fight back at Fort Sumter?

So the South would be viewed as the aggressor and therefore the North would be defending themselves in the war, instead of trying to occupy the Southern states.

Why was the d-day invasion so difficult?

because the Nazis sat in the bunkers with heavy machine guns and mines in the field

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Why was defending ypres so difficult?

because the Germans had some good positions were they could see the allied troops attacking easily, most of there positions were uphill.

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'Salient' means 'sticking out', so if the pole sticks up from the rotor shaft, then it is a salient pole machine.

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'Salient' means to 'stick out', so salient poles stick out from the machine's shaft, as opposed to shafts which are slotted to contain its windings.

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The term, 'salient', simply means to 'stick out'. So a salient pole machine has field poles that stick out from the rotor. The principle of operation is the same as for any other generator.

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I assume that you are talking about the second battle) 6,000 people died at Ypres.

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Why did the first battle of Ypres happen?

It was an important battle. At the Second Battle of Ypres, the gas attack was effective, and that's why there are gas bombs today. =) During WW1 there were 3 main battles fought at Ypres. It was a strategic strong point known as the Yrpes Salient. This means that it stuck out into the German's front line. This was a highly important position to defend for the British/Allied forces and one that the Germans wanted. In the first battle of Ypres, the British captured the town and reoccupied the lost ground. In the 2nd battle from April 22 to May 25, 1915, the Germans made a great attack using gas for the first time in an attempt to retake Ypres. The final battle of Ypres, better known as Passchendale, took place between the 21st of July and the 6th of November, 1917. The 36th Ulstur Division lost many men here and fought with outstanding bravery along with all commonwealth troops. The Meningate stands as a mounument to all the soldiers who died in battle. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Passchendaele was just near Ypres. And so is Wikipedia :P Also I just spellchecked that whole paragraph above.

What is meant by salient and non-salient pole machine?

for salient type motor Lq>Ld, and non-salient type motor Lq=Ld; Lq and Ld are q-d axis inductanceAnswer'Salient' means to 'stick out', so a 'salient pole' machine is one whose rotor windings are fitted to pole pieces that stick out from the rotor shaft. A 'non-salient pole' machine is one in which the windings are placed in slots machined along the length of the rotor.Salient pole machines run slower and have more poles than slotted-rotor machines, and are typically used in alternators run by water turbines; slotted-rotor machines are typically used in alternators run by high-speed steam/gas turbines.

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