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I doubt the people who were killed in it found anything boring about it.

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Q: Why was World War 2 so boring?
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Fashion during World War 2?

Normally All Boring and Not Very Pretty

What did people do in the camps in World War 2?

typical, boring stuff that people do to live

Which world war was so deadly?

world war 2 was the most violent war the world has ever witnessed world war 2 was so deadly

Did Australia have trouble enlisting people to fight in World War 2 and if so why?

They had trouble with the world war 2 and world war 1

Did the USSR help korea in world war 2?

Korea did not fight in world war 2. So the answer is no.

What made World War 2 start?

World war 2 started by Germany didn't like Poland so the invaded the country & no one like that so they went against Germany and he fought and fought and eventually it became a war and there already had been a war called world war 1 so this war was called world war 2

Was Steven Spielberg in world war 2?

No, he was born in 1946 so he couldn't have been in World War 2.

In which decade did World War 2 end?

World War 2 ended in 1945 so the decade was the 1940's

What was the population of the world at the end of World War 2?

2 Billion or so

How many years after World War 1 started did World War 2 start?

The First World War ended in 1918, World War 2 started in 1939, so there was 21 years between them.

What changed in France after World War 2?

In France they planted a tree when world war 1 was ended and the tree fell at world war 2 so what changed no more tree

How many years between ww1and World War 2?

World War One ended in 1918, and World War 2 started in 1939.So that would 21 years.