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Q: Why was Stalin upset with the western allies decision to focus on North Africa?
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Where was the decision to invade Europe and France in World War 2 made?

In November, 1943, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met together in Tehran, Iran, to discuss military strategy in the fight against Germany. After lengthy discussions it was agreed that the Allies would mount a major offensive in Western Europe in the spring of 1944.

Why did Stalin want Britain and the US to open a secrond front?

Stalin needed the Allies to divert German attention from the Eastern Front. The Russian war effort was massive in terms of people who were involved, many were working as slave labour for the Germans, or indeed were inducted into the German military, whether they liked it or not. Many had been captured as a result of the Barbarossa Blitzkrieg. Nonetheless the Allies were involved in North Africa & Italy while all this was going on, but Stalin, despite the supples sent to Murmansk at great cost by the Allies, needed more. I think, in hindsight admittedly, that Churchills' circumspection was more than justified.

What groups opposed Stalin?

The lower classes of wealth ussually supported Stalin. Other than that, it was ussually based on personal opinion (unless there was another significant factor, such as you bolonged to a group targeted by Stalin).

How did the Allies get supplies to west Berlin?

Allies had to air lift supplies into West Berlin because the USSR had all roads blockaded. The eastern part of the city was under the control of the USSR, and the western region was under the control of the allies. The USSR hoped that by shutting off all routes, the allies would turn total control of Berlin over to them.

When Germany was in the soviet union in World War 1 what country did Stalin tell his allies to attack?


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Why did Josef Stalin encourage the Western Allies to invade Western Europe as soon as possible?

At the time, Nazi Germany was pressing hard against the Soviet Union on the USSR's west. It would not be unreasonable to believe that Stalin wanted the Allies to invade Western Europe as a way of drawing off German troops, etc.

How did the World War 2 Allies decision to delay an invasion of Western Europe and fight instead in North Africa and Italy affect the Soviet Union?

The USSR and Stalin in particular, grew increasingly frustrated. Soviet casualties were increasing and they desperately needed a new front opened to take the pressure off the Eastern Front.

Why did Joseph Stalin surrender?

If You are referring to the Soviet struggle in World War 2, then the answer is that Stalin did not surrender.The Soviet Union, together with her western allies - won the war.

Why was The Soviet Union upset with the weastern allies?

They invaded North Africa instead of France.........APEX

What was the purpose of the blockade?

Stalin wanted to force the Western Allies to leave Berlin and possibly swap it for another piece of German territory.

Why did Stalin blame the allies?

My mom BLAMED the Allies! :)

Was Joseph Stalin allies or axis?

Belonged to the Allies.

Who was stalin allied with?

Joseph Stalin allied the USSR with the Allies.

Who led the us forces on the western front in world war 2?

Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander for the western allies. Stalin took care of the main front; the Russian Front.

What does the World War 2 honor?

it honors war crimes by the allies, bombing of hamburg, dresden, hiroshima and nagasaki, cowardness of the western allies who relied on russian menpower, led by stalin,, to defeat hitler.

Why did stalin and the USSR blockade west berlin?

The Soviets tried to force the Western Allies to abandon a currency reform, and possibly even Berlin itself. -JenniferMichelle Kinsel (:

What city did Stalin try to force the Allies from?

Stalin tried to force the Allies out of Berlin, Germany by cutting it off from contact with the west. The Berlin Airlift project enabled the Allies to supply their portions of the city and remain there despite Stalin's efforts to the contrary.