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Because the Confederates had to retreat after their brilliant commander Sidney Johnston was killed - and it resulted in the further retreat from Corinth (a key rail junction), which made it inevitable that Grant would eventually control the Mississippi valley.

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Q: Why was Shiloh concidered a confederate defeat?
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Why is Shiloh considered a confederate defeat?

The Confederate troops caught Grant's army off guard and almost won the battle on the first day.

Why was Shiloh's battle historical?

After this defeat, the Confederate armies gained no more significant victories in the West. The Confederate commander Sidney Johnston, killed at Shiloh, was rated as the best General in the South, and his replacement, Braxton Bragg, feuded with other top Confederates, causing bad morale in the army.

What took place that quite possibly saved Grant from defeat at Shiloh?

Death of the Confederate commander, Sidney Johnston, rated by some as the best General in the South.

What relative of Confederate General Albert S Johnston was sent to investigate the loss at the Battle of Shiloh?

Confederate Jefferson Davis was surprised with the Confederate defeat at the Battle of Shiloh. Jefferson had been in contact with the now late Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston as they planned their concentration of troops on Union forces in Tennessee. Davis sent one of his aids, Colonel William Johnston to investigate what had happened in the aftermath of Shiloh and ask what plans the Confederate generals in the Western Theater had planned. Davis was seeking a way to recover lost Confederate territory. He sent Colonel Johnston, who happened to be the nephew of the fallen Confederate General Albert S. Johnston.

What was the confederate name for the Battle of Shiloh?

Pittsburg Landing

What did General US Grant believe would be the result of the Confederate defeat at Shiloh?

US General Grant realized the huge losses the South had at Shiloh. He was sure, in April of 1862, that the South would not be able to continue the war. It made sense, however, the South fought on.

Who was the Confederate leader at the Battle of Shiloh?

General Albert Sidney Johnston led the Confederates in the Battle of Shiloh in 1862.

What confederate commanding general was killed at Shiloh?

Sidney Johnston

Confederate General A S Johnston was killed at what battle?


What do the confederate soldiers eat at the Battle of Shiloh?

c rations

Who was the confederate leader at Shiloh?

كان ألبرت جونستون قائدًا للقوات الكونفدرالية في معركة شيلوه.

Who was the confederate commander at the battle of Shiloh?

General Albert Sidney Johnston