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Q: Why the Germans were attack and defeat France then attack Russia immediately afterwards. Trench warfare stalemated the attacks in France was count Alfred Von Schlieffen plan?
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What was the Germans defensive plan after the Schlieffen plan?

it was to win

What was the effect of Allies defeat the Germans in the Battle of the Marne.?

The German's Schlieffen Plan failed

What was the effects of the allies defeat the Germans in the battle of the marne?

The German's Schlieffen Plan failed

Why did a stalemate occur?

Stalemate happened because the Germans did not put enough faith in the Schlieffen Plan

What do Germans drink after sports?

i think there is no difference between Germany and other countries. immediately afterwards we drink much water and then we hang out and drink beer in the locker room. BEER!!!

How long was World War 1 supposed to last?

According to the Germans, they planned for the Schlieffen Plan to take 6 weeks. The Schlieffen Plan was Germany's plan to invade France through Belgium. Hope this helps!

What does 'good Germans' mean?

In and after World War 2 and for time afterwards the term good Germans was used in English-speaking countries for Germans who were opposed to the Nazi regime.

Why did Germany need the Schlieffen plan?

The Schlieffen Plan was crucial to the Germans due to the fact that there alliance had a lot less men then the triple entente so they needed to take out one of the largest army's in WW1, the french so that they could have any chance of winning the war

What was the schleieffen plan?

The Schlieffen Plan was an operational plan used by the Germans to take over France and Belgium and carried out in August 1914. It was devised by and named after German Field Marshal Count Alfred von Schlieffen, who served as Chief of the Imperial German General Staff from 1891 to 1905.

What were the results of the failure of the schleiffen plan?

The result of the failure of the Schlieffen plan was that the Germans - instead of quickly defeating France - got stuck fighting a 4-year trench war in France which they ultimately lost.And they then had to fight the two-fronts war with the Allies and Russia that the Schlieffen plan was drawn up to avoid.

What was the goal of the schlieffen plan?

The Schlieffen Plan (formulated 1905-1906) was the plan for the German invasion of France and Belgium in World War I. It was launched on August 4, 1914 but failed to succeed in its objective, which was to quickly surround and defeat the armies of the French. After the Battle of the Marne (September 1914), the Germans stalled and were forced to retreat into defensive positions. The plan was named for its chief architect, Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffen (1833-1913). It was also known as the Schlieffen-Moltke Plan, for Schlieffen's successor Helmuth von Molke, the German general who amended the plan and ordered its enaction. Its failure ended his role as German Chief of Staff (1906-1914).

Why is the 1st battle o the marne considered the single most important battle of the war?

It disrupted the Schlieffen Plan and denied the Germans the early French surrender that they had been counting on. This meant that it would not be a short war.