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The origins of the word was Italian for column. The word translated to French as coronel, so the pronunciation changed, but the spelling did not change.

I suspect, if you begin by saying the word 'colonel' syllable by syllable, and gradually bring it up to normal speed you'll see how it has been contracted by the 'speed' of speech.

Take for example, the Strait of Gibraltar, which was named after Gebel Tarik. Run those two names together at speed and you can see how they become Gibraltar.

May words in our language have been adapted that way. Another favorite of mine is 'extraordinary' wich is 'extra' and 'ordinary' put together as one word. You can say them both together with emphasis on making two distinct sounds, but you'll find it still sounds like one word.

As to whether or not I am spot-on re: 'colonel', I don't know, but it too has been one of my pet words to decode. It also may not be a word with an English root, and may have another history altogether. Usually dictionaries will give you the root language.

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