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Manchuria was valuable during the imperialistic age and today, albeit less so, because it is rich in deposits of metal ore.

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Q: Why is manchuria so valuable?
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What year did japan take over manchuria?

Japan decided to invade Manchuria the day after the Mukden incident, in 1931. However, the entire state of Manchuria was not conquered until 1932, so the answer to the question is 1932.

What country did Japan invade in the 1930s?

In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied Manchuria.

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Japan invaded Manchuria in the 1930's.

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On the Hills of Manchuria was created in 1906.

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The Magician Out of Manchuria was created in 1989.

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The Magician Out of Manchuria has 129 pages.

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The Japanese took over Manchuria in 1932. This was an attempt by Japan to have control over some of the land that belonged to the Chinese.

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Starting in 1931 Japan invaded the North Eastern part of China including Manchuria and bordered by the USSR. Please see the related question below.

Japan seizes Manchuria?

Japan seized manchuria on 1931 September 18th

Did Japan's military launch an invasion on Manchuria?

Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 .

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Russian invasion of Manchuria happened in 1900.

When did Soviet invasion of Manchuria happen?

Soviet invasion of Manchuria happened in 1945.