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World History - World War

Hundreds of thousands of deaths and dozens of countries. Pretty significant effect on the political and social landscape of the world. The BIG one. It was started w/one bullet. The first 'modern' war. It begun trench warfare, mechanized warfare, chemical warfare, multi-theater warfare, air warfare, and submarine warfare. It also ended the US isolationist policy & it's harsh axis surrender terms and it laid the groundwork for WWII.

The death toll was in the millions and the war changed the face ( maps ) of Europe.

The Most Important Event in the 20th Century

Modern historians consider WW1 to be *the* defining event of modern history, with virtually all significant events afterwards being directly or indirectly caused by the War. WW1 radically changed Western society on a huge number of levels, and the political fallout from the end of the war can be immediately traced to practically any major issue we face today. While WW2 was more materially destructive, WW1 changed the basic assumptions of virtually the entire global society. It ended the age of Empires, created the movements of ethnic national self-determination that plague us today, turned Communism from a pipe dream of academics to an actual "viable" government form, and radically changed governments from modest in scale to huge centralized ones, and put the USA on the road to superpower status, amongst a host of other consequences.

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9y ago
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16y ago

seriously, we need to know about these wars to fully understand the tensions that still exist today. Also, we need to teach the younger generations the atrocities of (with WW1) young men to eager to join the effort & (inWW2) the need to LISTEN to Woodrow Wilson when he says don't do the Versailles treaty because Germany will start another war. ww2 wAS aMERICA'S finest hour during whicch brave young men & women quietly supported their country & prevented the extermination of the Slav.s & Jews. Also you can thank American troops from the "Greatest Generation" (T. Brokaw) for preventing the Nazi's from ruling the world so yeah.... that's just about it... but uh hey.... don't take my word for it.

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16y ago

The world wars are important because they involved large portions of the world, numerous countries, and the result changed the way we fought in war and the laws made in governments around the world.

The world wars decided which country's were to run the worlds economy in the foreseeable future of that time. these influences are only now coming to an end and are causing the present economic crisis.

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19y ago

because it shaped the world from that point on . It shows that the human spirit can overcome the worst excesses of of its own kind and unite to defeat a common enemy of freedom and liberty.

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14y ago

Many awful things happened in the war. We need to remember so we don't repeat the same mistakes.

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12y ago

Because if we do not remember WW1, history would repeat itself.

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13y ago

To make sure it doesn't happen again.

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