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in year 1917, United States joined the war. At the same year, Finland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and more gained independence from Soviet Russia.

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Q: Why is 1917 a turning point during World War 1?
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What was the turning point in the eastern front in world war 1?

There was no turning point because the Germans inflicted high casualties on the Russians who most of the time had 1 rifle between 4 people so then they ran into machine fire. They did this until they pulled out of the war in 1917

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Why is 1917 consider the turning point of the world war 1?

Russia withdrew from the war and Germany's troops could focus on the Western Front. American joined the war on the side of the Allied Forces.

Was The Russian Tsar during World War 1 Nicholas II?

Yes, Until 1917 at which point he abdicated and the provincial government took over.

When did the US during World War I?

April 6, 1917

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beacuse every body did know what to do so they went on a out rage and attacked every body

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In 1917

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The Lone Point Feud - 1917 was released on: USA: 21 April 1917

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United States Navy operations during World War I happened in 1917.

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the entry of the U.S. into the war.

Which president was born during World War 1?

Kennedy (May 21, 1917)

Which acts limited freedom of speech during world war 1?

Sedition and espionage actAdded: It was passed in 1917 and repealed in 1921