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Talk is cheap, it is a reality that while we say we do honor our veterans, the fact is we really don't. We cut funding to VA hospitals, reduce benefits for them and pay them poorly when they are in the service. We clap as they walk through an airport, but fail to help them deal with PTSS.

At best they get lip service.

It is sad that we give them what 'we' think they need and have NEVER really asked them what they want or could use.

We care more for big business than we do our service man and women.

shame, shame, shame

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These men and women fought for the people of this country and deserve respect, our appreciation, and any help we can provide for them. If you live in a good place with a good life thank them because they gave you that by protecting our country.

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Q: Why do we appreciate veterans?
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Why you honor veterans on Veterans Day?

Because we have to appreciate those who fought for us and give thanks to those who serve in the Millitary.

Do we appreciate Verterans?

Yes, most people in civilized countries appreciate Veterans. This is so in the US and Great Britain, among others.

Why should we appreciate our veterans?

Honor veterans because they have risked their lives for us and for they let freedom live!!! So lets say thank you to every wearer

Why do veterans have to work on Veterans Day?

Yes. Medical people, firefighters, police, people who work on live TV, people who work at cinemas and restaurants that are open on Veterans' Day work. Many people work on Veterans' Day. These same people work on Thanksgiving, Christmas, January 1st, Memorial Day, and July 4th.

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360 veterans are reconzed on veterans.

What are facts about veterans?

75% of veterans served by hostillity there are 24.9 million veterans 1.7 million veterans are women 9.7 million veterans are 65 or older 2.4 million veterans were black

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How do you use the word appreciate?

I appreciate you for helping me. OR I appreciate your help.

Is there info on Vietnam veterans?

VFW-Veterans of Foreign Wars, founded by Spanish-American War of 1898 veterans in 1899. American Legion-founded by WWI veterans in 1919. AMVETS-American Veterans, founded by WWII veterans in 1944. VVA-Vietnam Veterans of America, founded by Vietnam War veterans in 1978.

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What services does the US Department of Veterans Affairs provide?

The Department of Veterans affairs offers many services to military veterans. The Department of veterans affairs offers medical and mental health care for veterans, as well as financial and educational assistance. The Department of veterans affairs gives veterans continued support. For a full listing of what the department of veterans affairs is doing for veterans visit their official site.