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This was during WW2. Copper was needed to make ammunition for the war effort. The Mint struck cents out of steel coated with zinc to reduce corrosion, and the copper saved was diverted to the military. Unfortunately the zinc coating was unsatisfactory and the coins began to corrode. By 1944 enough copper from used shell casings was available to resume minting cents out of copper (bronze, actually).

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Q: Why did they make silver colored pennies in 1943?
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What us coins were affected by World War 2?

1943 Cents were minted on zinc-plated steel to conserve copper needed for war materials. This was not very satisfactory and the government later attempted, with little success, to remove all of them from circulation. From 1944 to 1946/7 artillery shells were recycled to make brass cents (some tin was added to the alloy, but not enough to make them meet the pre-war composition). Nickel was also important to the war effort so the 5 cent coin was changed to an alloy of 35% silver from mid-1942 through 1945.AnswerI dont remember the specific years, but I know that they quit making copper pennies for a bit. They made what are called "steel cents". I believe the copper was needed to make ammunition and such for the war.

Which events occurred in 1943 and helped to make the Allied victory possible?

1. The Allies crack the German naval code 2. A German army division surrenders at Stalingrad

What does the silver star in front of the serial number on a 50 bill stand for?

The silver union star in front of the serial number on new, colour post-2004, $50 bills is a security feature of the note to make counterfeiting more difficult. A small star after the serial number an any denomination indicates that the original note had a printing error and was replaced.

When did Reed and Barton make silverware for the U.S. Navy?

Reed & Barton's history narrative first mentions supplying the U.S. Navy with fine silver services to the battleships Arizona, California, Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota, and Utah.The Arizona was launched in 1915.

What was the fisher frice plate usedfor during World War 2?

The Fisher Price company joined other manufacturers in 1943 in the war effort. They did not build any toys until the end of the war. They made items like ammunition crates, medical chests and repair parts for the fighter planes. (They did not make ladies' bras as was noted on another question.).

Related questions

When was silver in pennies?

The US has never made silver pennies. It would cost way to much to make silver pennies because of the value of silver. Many people think that in 1943 pennies were made out of silver however they are actually made out of zinc and steel.

Where pennies ever made of silver?

No. It would cost way to much to make silver pennies because of the value of silver. Many people think that in 1943 pennies were made out of silver however they are actually made out of zinc and steel.

How Much are SteeL American Pennies Worth'?

The 1943 silver colored penny is a wartime issue made of steel, and coated with zinc. During World War II, copper was so badly needed for the war effort (to make shell casings) that the U.S. penny was made out of steel that year, which is why most 1943 pennies are silver colored. They are worth about 12 to 15 cents each in ciruclated condition, and as much as 50 cents or more if Uncirculated.

How long were silver pennies in circulation?

The US has never made silver pennies. It would cost way to much to make silver pennies because of the value of silver. Many people think that in 1943 pennies were made out of silver however they are actually made out of zinc and steel. So actually they have never been in circulation.

Did they make silver pennies in 1927?

No, the U.S. never made cents out of silver. A 1927 cent that's silver in color is a regular bronze cent that was plated for use in jewelry or something similar.You may be thinking of the 1943 silver colored penny. It's a wartime issue made of steel, and coated with zinc. During World War II, copper was so badly needed for the war effort (to make shell casings) that the U.S. penny was made out of steel that year, which is why most 1943 pennies are silver colored. They are worth about 12 to 15 cents each in circulated condition, and as much as 50 cents or more if Uncirculated.

Are there any 1943 copper pennies still out there?

yes I have 1 1943 copper pennies, but if you find one make sure it is not a 1948 with the 8 cut down and yes its a copper pennies

How do you know if your 1944 penny is steel?

If your 1944 penny is made of steel, it will be attracted to a magnet because the steel composition is magnetic. You can also check the weight of the coin as steel pennies weigh less than copper pennies. Another method is to look for a silver-gray color, as steel pennies are not copper-colored like regular pennies.

How come a 1943 penny is worth so much?

It isn't. Normal 1943 pennies are worth 3-15 cents depending on condition because they are made out of steel and are collected even by non-collectors as curiosities. The only expensive 1943 pennies are the copper pennies which were made by mistake. When they turned on the machines to make the 1943 steel pennies, some copper blanks were left inside the machines and so a tiny amount of 1943 copper pennies were created by mistake. Since there might only be ~15 made, they are worth a lot. But an ordinary 1943 penny is only worth a few cents.

Does a1943 silver penny have a D?

It's not a silver penny. It's a steel penny. In 1943, silver was scarce because of World War II. So was copper, the metal usually used to make pennies. So in 1943, the US Mint chose steel as a cheap, one-time substitute. And yes, it has a D. My grandfather (who was alive when all this happened) told me when he gave me one.

What is a 1943 Coper penny worth?

Over a million dollars if it is genuine. However, there are only a handful of known genuine 1943 copper pennies. Many "copper" 1943 pennies are either genuine 1943 cents dipped in copper to make them appear to be copper (but will still stick to a magnet due to the steel) or other years of wheat pennies with the date altered to make it look like a 1943 penny, however, experienced coin dealers and graders will be able to spot these as altered dates.

How much is a 1943 S penny worth that is a silver color and does stick to a magnet?

The 1943 penny was made of steel with a zinc coating [ hence the silver look]. They are steel so they are attraced to a magnet. The value depends on the condition and with no rust showing they sell for about $0.50 to $1 and then more if they are in better condition.AnswerUncirculated examples sell for $1 to $2. In any lower condition a dealer may give 5 or 10 cents. He already has rolls of them that he can't sell. 1943 pennies are made of steel. This is because in 1943, the government needed so much copper to make war materials. Some pennies from 1943 are copper, because the government made a mistake. The copper 1943 pennies are worth about $10,000.

What is the value of a 1978 silver penny?

The US has never made and never will make silver pennies. If a penny was silver it would be worth more than a dime.