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Defense against the possibility that Nazi Germany might make one first.

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Q: Why did they build the nuclear bombs in the first place?
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What did the Manhattan project do?

Created the first Atomic Weapon (Nuclear Bomb). And ended WW2 with the dropping of 2 A-Bombs on Japan.

Where is the best place in the US to build a nuclear power plant?

no where

Is cesium in atomic bombs?

Cesium is not a typical material used in the construction of atomic bombs. The primary materials used in atomic bombs are uranium or plutonium. Cesium may be a byproduct of nuclear reactions in atomic bombs, but it is not a key component.

What was the main threat to the us during the cold war?

The soviets wanted to invade the u.s with nuclear bombs and destroy the place.

Where was the first atomic practice bomb in Mexico during the year of 1945?

It wasn't Mexico but the state of New Mexico was the place where the nuclear bombs were designed and tested. The specific place of the first nuclear detonation happened on the Trinity Site (33°40'38''N 106°28'31''W), 56 Kilometers (35 miles) southeast of Socorro, New Mexico on July 16, 1945.

What is the nuclear age?

It's a general term used to apply to the time following the advent of nuclear technology. It could have begun when the first controlled nuclear chain reaction took place, or when the first nuclear bomb was detonated. That was in the 1940's.

When and where did Pakistan's first nuclear explosion takes place?

Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion took place at "Chaghai Hills" (Balochistan) on May 11 and 13, 1998.

How many years passed from the first controlled nuclear reaction to the first nuclear meltdown?

The first controlled nuclear reaction took place in 1942 at the University of Chicago. The first nuclear meltdown occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986, which is 44 years later.

When and where did Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion take place?

Pakistan's first atomic nuclear explosion took place at "Chaghai Hills" (Balochistan) on May 11 and 13, 1998.

Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

Nuclear fusion does not currently occur in nuclear plants. Nuclear plants use nuclear fission, where atoms are split to release energy. Fusion reactions, in which atomic nuclei combine to release energy, are not yet used commercially for electricity generation.

When did China exploded its first nuclear bomb?

China's first nuclear test took place in 1964 and first hydrogen bomb test occurred in 1967.