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The North's big advantage in the war was that it controlled the Southern ports. Towards the end, they also separated the South in two. This led to a huge depletion of resources, since the South was no longer trading with the North. At times, Confederate soldiers had so few guns that they threw stones at the Union Army. If England had sent supplies to the South, it would have been greatly appreciated. Also, having more soldiers is always a good thing.

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Q: Why did the south hope for England's aid during the civil war?
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For the North the Capital was Washington D.C. For the south however it was Montgomery, Alabama. Hope this Answered your question!

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Northern strategy during the Civil War, where the North blockaded the South and seized control of the Mississippi River. Also, the correct spelling is "Anaconda." Hope this helps!

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we had the civil war because south America had slavery, the north did not. the south eventually lost the war, and they were so upset, they made their own country, which was called the confederacy. we just call it south America nowadays. hope you liked this answer.

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It was the plan of the South during the Civil War 1) Move Capital from Alabama to Virginia. 2) Wait until the North attacks. 3) Wait until the North didn't have enough men or weapons to fight. 4) Hope that war becomes unpopular in the North and it ends. Got from textbook and from school notes.

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Well... This can not be answered correctly because it will change in the future and has changed in the past. Hope that is will be a help to you!

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