Most soldiers were draftees or volunteers, and had little or no training. Many died before they fired a shot in battle
boobie days
von steuben
Yes, The southern military had many more officers to train soldiers. It allowed the south to fight harder and better than they otherwise should have.
they were proud of having stood their ground against the British soldiers
Yes, sometimes with EXACT REPLICAS of the terrain they are about to attack.
next to the pyramids
15 months
It took about 9-10 months to train newly signed up soldiers. they wouldn't go into battle until nearly a year after they signed up!
because it helped the soldiers to train before the war
Most soldiers were draftees or volunteers, and had little or no training. Many died before they fired a shot in battle
they could sign up to the army commissioners who would then train them in the army before they went to fight.
they didn't
To train soldiers.
camp walker
They trained by going into small battles with their own soldiers.
Prepare soldiers for the unexpected or unknown