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The Arms Race was a race to build the biggest army, navy and air force in preparation for looming conflict. All countries except Britain and Germany tried to build colossal armies. Britain and Germany instead tried to build up their respective navies, as Germany wanted their navy to beat the size of Britain's.

In Germany they had the biggest army, and it was the best trained and most powerful out of all armies involved in World War One. However Britain, being completely surrounded by water, had large powerful navy helped to keep the empire safe. Also, it wasn't until after WW1 that Air Force really played its part, as planes were still rather early in development and could not fly from country to country and accurately bomb a target.


All the countries began a "contest" for who was the best by doing all that stuff. They all really wanted to "show off" their weapons etc. So because of that everyone(countries) are thinking that the other is going to attack them and it kept going on and on. Because of that the countries started making alliances with other countries. When the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was killed and Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Then because of the alliances almost all of Europe was in the war.

hope that makes stuff clearer :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Arms Race was a race to build the biggest Army, Navy and Air force for the Battle that could begin. All countries except Britain and Germany, were trying to build the biggest army anyone had every seen, where as Britain and Germany were trying to Build up their navy as Germany wanted the biggest navy so as to beat Britain. In Germany they had the biggest army and it was the best trained and most powerful out of all armies involved in World War 1, however Britain had a far superior navy and this suited Britain, being completely surrounded by water. Britain also had an empire and a large powerful navy, which helped to keep the empire in check. It wasn't until after WW1 that fighter and bomber command really played its part as planes were, still rather early in development and could not fly from Germany all the way over to Britain and accurately bomb a target.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

If there was an arms race in World War I, it had to do with machine guns. The Germans began deploying them first with devastating results. The British followed rather quickly with good results.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

In the early years of the 20th century, the military strength of a nation showed how much power that certain nation had. Britain had the largest fleet of ships. The ships protected Britain and secured the trade routes within the empire since it was surrounded by water. On the other hand, German army was a successful, and efficient army that had defeated Austria-Hungary and France in the late 1800s. The ruler of Germany wanted to increase its naval forces to beat Britain.

This resulted in Britain & Germany being at naval race. This race would deplete the wealth of both countries and increase the danger of war. Before WW1 had started, in 1914, Britain had 29 dreadnoughts (very advanced ship) and Germany had 17 of the dreadnoughts.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There wasn't really an arms race but a need for weapons. Both Allies and Axis wanted and needed more weapons. The Allies one this race by creating to atom bombs and making Hitler commit suicide.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It was Germany's and Britan's jealousy of each other trying to outnumber each other Brittan beat Germany at sea but Germany beat Brittan by land

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The arms race consisted of the U.S and USSR during the cold war. It was a challenge of who could supply the most weapons (arms).

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how did the arms race contribute to the outbreak of ww1

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