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The trials were held to posecute the Nazi war criminals for war crimes.

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Q: Why did the allies hold war crime trials for axis leaders after ww2?
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How were axis leaders held accountable for after the war?

Any surviving Axis Power leaders and people involved in the mindless torture of people were tried in the International War Crimes Court and everything is investigated by the International War Crimes Committee.

Who were the leaders of the Axis and Allies?

Main allies leaders Soviet union Joseph Starlin America Franklin D roosvelt Great Briton Winston Churchil Sovier uninion, briton and america was main leader of the allies

How were the Axis leaders be treated after World War 2?

they was treated like allies

Where were the axis leaders tried a war crimials after World War 2?

There were a series of War Crimes trials at Nuremburg, Germany.

What best explains why the Allies were able to win World War 2?

A.Allied soldiers were better trained than Axis soldiers. B. Axis soldiers were disloyal to their leaders. C. The Allies had more people and a larger industrial capacity. D. The Allies did not have to fight a two-front war.

Who were the important leaders who lead the Allies and Axis?

Allies: United States = Franklin Roosevelt. British Empire = Winston Churchill. Soviet Union = Josef Stalin. Axis: Germany = Adolf Hitler. Italy = Benito Mussolini. Japan = Emperor Hirohito.

Was hitler allies or axis?


Why the Axis leaders represent evil in the eyes of so many and was their cause any less just than the Allies?

Yes, the cause of the Axis powers was definitely less just than that of the Allied powers. The Axis powers engaged in a campaign of global conquest and genocide, while the Allies acted in self defense.

Who was axis and allies leader?

The main Axis leaders were Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy) Emperor Hirohito (Japan). The main Allied leaders were Franklyn Roosevelt (USA), Winston Churchill (Great Britain) Josef Stalin (Soviet Union).

What were the Allied countries in World War 2 and what were there leaders?

The Allied countries and their leaders were...USA- RooseveltEngland- ChurchillSoviet Union- StalinThe Axis countries and their leaders were...Germany- HitlerItaly- MussoliniJapan- Tojo

Why was the allies and the axis at battle for?

Because the Axis don't like the Allies so they battled it out

Was Australia axis or allies powers?

They were on the allies.