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The Luftwaffe bombed cities to terrorise the citizens into pressuring their government to surrender.

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Q: Why did the Luftwaffe bomb cities?
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How many people did Adolf Hitler get to bomb the world?

He used the Luftwaffe

Who knows any facts about the Blitz?

The Blitz was when the Luftwaffe(German Airforce) came over to Britain and dropped bombs down onto big cities. Their first intention was to bomb the RAF but decided to bomb the cities instead which is partly why the the blackout started. The Blackout was where the whole of Britain practically turned off all lights.

Why did they bomb Stalingrad?

The German Luftwaffe bombed the city on the Volga river hoping to reduce enemy resistance .

What cities were destroyed by Truman's bomb?

The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .

Which city had the most attacks on in Britain during world war 2?

London, which was heavily bombed by the Luftwaffe. (The Luftwaffe eventually stopped the bomb runs after the Battle of Britain, which took place near the turning point of the battle for air superiority.)

What two cities were bomb by the us?

we have bombed lots of cities, which one are you looking for?

What were the intentions of the Blitz?

after hitlers airforce (the luftwaffe) failed to beat the RAF he wanted to bomb all the war important buildings such as factories,airfields,docks and barracks.such towns and cities were bombed as London, Manchester, Birmingham, Coventry, Belfast, Glasgow, Newcastle, Dover, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Cardiff

What was the name of the plane the dropped the 1 atomic bomb ann the 2 cities hit?

There were two atom bombs dropped on Japan, not one. The planes were called the Enola Gay which dropped the first bomb and the second plane was called Bockscar. The cities were Hiroshima (first bomb) and Nagasaki (second bomb).

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What cities were destroyed with a atomic bomb?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What cities were bombed by the atomic bomb?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What 2 cities had the A - bomb dropped on them?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki