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The song was originally sung by the British side to mock Americans, however the Americans took ownership of the song and began to sing it themselves, to turn the intended put-down into a source of pride after, though outnumbered, they managed to turn the British back at Lexington and Concord.

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Meredith Walsh

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Q: Why did the American soldiers singing the song Yankee Doodle?
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In what American war did the soldiers first sing Yankee Doodle?

The American Revolutionary WarRevolutionary war

What produced the song Yankee doodle?

The American Revolution

What age did Yankee Doodle die?

Yankee Doodle isn't a person. Yankee is what the American colonies were called. Doodle was another word for fool. If you think an American wrote Yankee Doodle, you're wrong. A British person who disliked Americans wrote it. The British sang it to insult the Americans, but the Americans thought it was so funny they made it they're song

What state is Yankee doodle?

Yankee Doodle is a Anglo-American song which goes back to the 1700's, 1770 to be exact; thats the year it was first published. However the state Yankee Doodle originated from Connecticut, it is in fact their state anthem.

When was the Yankee doodle written?

Yankee doodle is written during the American Revolution by the Birtish troops or as most people called them," lobsterbacks" or "redcoats". It was written to make fun of the rebel American colonists.

Is the song 'Yankee Doodle' patriotic?

Yes but its not really meant to be because 'yankee doodle' is a term that means 'foolish american' There is a link to a related question below.

What was the nickname for an American soldier during the American Revolution?

Yankee. Marchin song became Yankee doodle. Johnny Reb (Confederate)

Which song became an American Theme song for the Revolution?

Yankee Doodle

When was the song Yankee doodle song?

Yankee doodle is written during the American Revolution by the Birtish troops or as most people called them," lobsterbacks" or "redcoats". It was written to make fun of the rebel American colonists.

How many purple foxes can eat goose eggs while singing Yankee doodle and licking a lollipop?


What is a Yankee doodle?

A Yankee doodle is a native or inhabitant of the United States.

What are some Fourth of July rhymes?

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy A Yankee Doodle, do or die A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam Born on the Fourth of July I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart She's my Yankee Doodle joy Yankee Doodle came to London Just to ride the ponies I am the Yankee Doodle Boy