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Since it didn't actually end up happening, people always questioned whether or not the story was real.

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Q: Why did some historians believe that the Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy?
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Was the gunpowder plot a terrorist plot or conspiracy?

Conspiracy the plot was set up by Robert Cecil

Was the gunpowder plot a government conspiracy?

No. It was an anarchist and his fellow plotters.

Who was behind the gunpowder plot?

A conspiracy theory says Robert Cecil was, to make the Catholics leave the country

What is the Gunpowder Plot of 1605?

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is also referred to as the Gunpowder Treason Plot. This plot was a plot to blow up James the First. One can learn more specifics about this plot on the History website.

Where was the gunpowder hidden?

In the Gunpowder Plot, the gunpowder was located underneath the House of Lords. Everyone that participated in the plot was sentenced to death.

What is being hidden in the gunpowder plot?

The gunpowder was being hidden in the gunpowder plot. It was hidden in a cellar under the house of parliament.

How is Spain linked to the Gunpowder plot?

Spain is not linked to the Gunpowder Plot that I can find. Before the death of Elisabeth I of England some exiled English Catholics favoured the Infanta Isabela, daughter of Philip II of Spain, as the successor to Elisabeth II. I wouldn't call that a link. I believe the Gunpowder Plot was an all English operation.

When was John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - born?

John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - was born in 1570.

When did John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - die?

John Grant - Gunpowder Plot - died on 1606-01-30.

Why did guy Fawkes do?

Most British people know that the Gunpowder Plot was simply to get rid of the Protestant king (who disliked Catholics). James I was simply another Protestant monarch to get rid of. Guy Fawkes was smuggled back to Britain from Spain to help with the plot, since he explosives expert. Most historians believe, though, that the plotters were encouraged by spies and the plot was all a trick.

What is a synonym for conspiracy?


How many tons of gunpowder were used in the gunpowder plot?

there were 36 barrels.