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because the railroad workers had stopped the trains, harming commerce in the u.s

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

To keep railroads moving.

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Q: Why did president Cleveland send in federal troops during the pullman strike?
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Which president used federal troops to stop the pullman strike of 1894?

Grover Cleveland was the president during the Pullman strike.

Who was the president of the American Railway Union at the time of the Pullman Strike in 1894?

The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

Who was the president of the American Railway Union (ARU) at the time of the Pullman Strike in 1894?

The president (during the Pullman Strike) of the ARU was Eugene V. Debs; not to be confused with Grover Cleveland: the president of the United States at the time.

Who was president during the interstate commerce act?

Grover Cleveland

What was going on in the US during Grover Cleveland's term?

President Cleveland 2 non-consistent terms presided over the entire Industrial Revolution, as well as major strikes during that period (Pullman Strike, Homestead Strike, and such.) Labor Unions basically hated him for his intervention in both the Pullman and the Homestead Strikes (he was the one who sent the military to calm the Homestead citizens down after the Pinkertons failed.) He also modernized the Navy and created the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Under President Grover Cleveland the Hatch Act?

The Hatch Act was not enacted during President Grover Cleveland's presidency. The Hatch Act was actually signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939. It aims to prevent federal employees from engaging in certain political activities and ensures the neutrality of the civil service.

Accomplishments of Grover Cleveland during his term as president?

he did stuff

What president signed the bill making Labor Day a national holiday?

Grover Cleveland was the President that urged it be made a Federal Holiday. Labor Day was set as the first Monday of September by the Federal Government in 1894. Prior to that it was celebrated in 30 states, the first was Oregon, which declared it a holiday in 1887.

Were federal troops used during the Pullman strike?

President Grover Cleveland order the use of U.S. Army troops during the Pullman Strike. He followed the advice of Attorney General Richard Olney, but only the President can order the use of federal troops.

Who was the first president during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln

What important event in US history occur when Grover Cleveland was president?

During Cleveland's administration: The Panic (Depression) of 1893; civil service reform; lower tariffs; first White House wedding; cast 300 vetoes, more than twice the total of all previous presidents; signed Interstate Commerce Act; used troops to break up Pullman Strike.

Who passed the Dawes Act?

President Grover Cleavland passed the Dawes Act in 1887