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Men volunteered for the same reason they do today, well for the most part. They believed that whatever side they were on, confederate or union, it was the right side. They really only thought what they were doing was right, and would help their country in the future.

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Q: Why did men volunteer to fight in the civil war?
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Why did men volinteer to fight in the war?

Most men that volunteer to fight in a war do what is called enlisting. not volunteering and being forced to fight is called being drafted.

Why did men volunteer to fight in the US Civil War?

Because they felt strongly enough about the cause and felt that they would sacrifice their lives for a cause that they believed in.

Did girls fight in the Civil War?

Women did not fight in the Civil War. But, some did dress up like men to help out in the war.

Compare how the women soiders who fought in the civil war to women who are fighting today?

women soldiers in the civil war were disguised as men because they were not aloud to fight in the war but now they do not have to be disguised as men they are free to fight in the war

Why did women go undercover as men to fight in the Civil War?

they wanted to go to war

How many States sent men to fight in the American Civil War?


Women in the civil war that did not fight did what?

Worked as nurses and did other men jobs.

In the American Civil War did most soldiers volunteer or were they drafted into the army?

Both. In the beginning they enlisted (volunteered). When the reality of war struck them (the horrors of war); they had to be forced to fight (drafted).

What War did Tennessee's men volunteer to fight in?

The Revolutionary War is where they made there mark and earned their nickname. Men from Tennessee have seen voluntary service and paid the price in every US conflict.

Why did brave men fight in the US Civil War?

Because they were brave enough to do it. boobs

Did 50 year old men fight in US Civil War?

if they lived that long yes

How many men did Lincoln originally need to fight in the civil war?

He called for 75,000 volunteers.