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The Treaty of London was signed by Austria, France, England, Prussia and Russia pledging to come to the aid of Belgium is it was attacked by another nation. Also, Belgium is too close to the English Channel and England did not want Germany to take control of it.

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Q: Why did great Britain declare war after German troops marched into belgium?
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Why did Great Britain declare war against Germany?

Because German troops had crossed the border into Belgium, contravening a longstanding treaty that guaranteed Belgian neutrality.

Why did Germany declare war on Britain in World War 1?

The specific reason was that German forces invaded Belgium on their way to France. Britain, France and Prussia (the key forerunner of Germany) had guaranteed Belgian neutrality in 1839 (and again in 1875). Moreover, Britain was an ally of France and was not willing to let a substantial part of the coast opposite Britain fall into unfriendly hands.

What event caused britain to fight in world war 1?

The German army crossing into Belgium, whose neutrality had been guaranteed by Britain.

What was the significance of the German march across Belgium?

In violating the Belgian neutrality, the Germans marched through Belgium to attack France. This action greatly influenced England's entrance into the war.

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What caused Britain to fight in world war 1?

Britain entered the fighting World War I after the German invasion of Belgium.

What was the effects of the German Poland in 1939?

It caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany.

Why did Britain declare war on Germany?

because Hitler invaded our friends (Poland)Britain had a defense treaty with Belgium. When Germany invaded the small dutch-and-french speaking nation, Britain was obligated to issue an ultimatum and, in the case that was ignored, declare war.The Britain declared war on Germany because of the German's invasion of Belgium.

Which countries were invaded by Germany in the schlieffen plan?

Belgium and the tiny micronation of Luxemburg, then France. It was the German invasion of Belgium which caused the United Kingdom to declare war on Germany in 1914.

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Which event caused Britain enter worls war 1?

The German invasion of Belgium was the official reason for Britain joining the war.

Why did Britain declare war on Germany world war 1?

The specific reason was that German forces invaded Belgium on their way to France. Britain, France and Prussia (the key forerunner of Germany) had guaranteed Belgian neutrality in 1839 (and again in 1875). Moreover, Britain was an ally of France and was not willing to let a substantial part of the coast opposite Britain fall into unfriendly hands.