In order to liberate the Mississippi. Vicksburg was the last major enemy garrison on the river.
Ulysses S. Grant - apexxx.(:
Ambrose Burnside led the raids that distracted Confederate troops, enabling General Grant to land his troops south of Vicksburg.
U.S. Grant
The defeated Confederate cmmander, John C. Pemberton.
Ulysses s grant
The siege ended with Pemberton surrendering to Grant.
The siege ended with Pemberton surrendering to Grant.
Ulysses S. Grant won the siege of Vicksburg.
The Union general commanding at Vicksburg was Ulysses S. Grant. The Confederates were led by Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton.
U.S. Grant
Ulysses Grant.
Ulysses Grant
General Sherman wrote about his reasons of concern for his friend US Grant at the Siege of Vicksburg. Sherman believed that Grant was working and hampered by Northern public opinion. So much so that Sherman feared Grant would abandon the effort to capture Vicksburg.