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Americans defeated the native American allies.among those killed was Chief Tecumseh.

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Q: Why did Tecumseh side with the British?
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Why was death of Tecumseh a setback for the British in the was of 1812?

Because Tecumseh was an ally of the British.

Why was Tecumseh important to the US?

He was important because he helped us defeat the British after trying to kill us because we where taking he land he and his Indians lived on. Tecumseh was on the British side and was known as a fierce enemy by the Americans.

Why was the death of Tecumseh a setback for the British war in 1812?

Because Tecumseh was an ally of the British.

Tecumseh joined forces with the british after what battle?

Battle of Tippecanoe

Why was the death of Tecumseh a setback in the war of 1812?

Because Tecumseh was an ally of the British.

With which army did Tecumseh fight?

the British army

How did Tecumseh die?

He died in a battle(allied with the british)

What answer offers the best explanation for why Tecumseh fought alongside the British in the War of 1812?

Tecumseh was well paid by Britains generals.

Why was Tecumseh famous?

He was important because he helped us defeat the British after trying to kill us because we where taking he land he and his Indians lived on. Tecumseh was on the British side and was known as a fierce enemy by the Americans.

What was Tecumseh fighting for?

Tecumseh was a Shawnee tribe leader, that sided with the British , and battled against the Americans that were trying to invade Tecumseh's land. He battled along side general Isaac Brock with Tecumseh's army of 2000 men. Tecumseh's army was the largest aboriginal army the great lakes had ever seen. While the British panicked and retreated in the battle of Thames river, Tecumseh and his followers battled on furiously even though they were hopelessly out numbered. Tecumseh died on the battle field in the battle of Thames river with many of his men on October 5th 1813.

Who was a native American that fought for the british and during the war of 1812?


After what battle did Tecumseh joined forces with British troops?

battle of Tippecanoe.