Stepped up air pressure to demonstrate to the North that they cannot continue supporting offensive operations in the South.
1965 is when the Air Campaign "Rolling Thunder" began against North Vietnam.
a sustained aerial bombing campaign agaisnt the vietcong {nova}
Operation Rolling Thunder
The war escalated at an extreme rate after 1965 due to the following; after congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Lyndon Johnson had the full power of the American military at his disposal to send to Vietnam and with this massive increase in troops he also began Operation Rolling Thunder. Operation Rolling Thunder involved bombing North Vietnam until Ho Chi Minh ended the insurgency in the south. This did not occur, Johnson then sent a further 145 000 ground troops on search and destroy missions throughout the Vietnamese jungle.
Rolling Thunder was the air war over North Vietnam.
Operation Rolling Thunder began in February, 1965 and did not end until October, 1968.
Operation Rolling Thunder began in 1965 on the 24th of February and ended on the 31st of October 1968.
Rolling Thunder was the air war against NORTH Vietnam.
Lyndon Johnson authorized this and most of the military operations in Vietnam.
began a sustained bombing campaign
began a sustained bombing campaign
Rolling Thunder was the FIRST "air campaign" committed against NORTH Vietnam.
1965 is when the Air Campaign "Rolling Thunder" began against North Vietnam.
Operation Rolling Thunder. It aimed to weaken North Vietnam's ability to wage war and to pressure them to negotiate a settlement. The bombing campaign lasted for three years but did not achieve its objectives and instead intensified the conflict.
3,000,000 were left as refugees
'Rolling Thunder' was an operation during Vietnam, in which a fleet of B-52's bombed an area.
It sustained bombing in north Vietnam