He actually didn't want to. All he wanted was "Lebensraum" for the German people to live, which included the Soviet Union, Poland, and most of Eastern Europe. Its a common misconception that he wanted to rule the world.
He did not necessary wanted to conquer the world, he just wanted a Germany that was powerful and big, rivaling the SU and the US. He used the excuse of "Lebensraum" for his people, he wanted to have room to the east for his "superior" race. Other then that, he was probably insane, making foolish moves during the war, and eventually killing himself.
So that he could rule the world.
Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.
Germany.Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany during World War 2.
giving Hitler everything he wanted including checkloslovokia at the munich agreeement AKA Hitler wanted to rule the world.
Hitler was important to people because he had been leading the force against the Treaty of Versailles. He had exploited Germany's weakness at the end of World War One to convince the Germans into supporting him. People of Germany saw him as the way for Germany to rise as a powerful and strong country.
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian. He was a soldier in WWI. As for why he wanted power, he was crazy, (and this is coming from a german)
he wanted to change the name of berlin into Hitler and rule the world
Probably because Hitler did have the ambition to rule the world.
Nobody. Hitler did not try to rule the world.
Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.
He wanted a clean christian believing race. Not the average christian's but more of in his own image of how he wanted it.
He didnt rule world war 2 but he did bring it on with his hard rules as a dictator
Germany.Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany during World War 2.
.hitler droped bombs on paris because he wanted to rule the whole world
He wanted to rule the world and a whole nation.
Hitler and the Nazis, wanted to conquer and rule the world. The rest of the world disagreed, and banded together to thwart Hitler's aims.
He will turn the world into communist and rule with power.
World War 2 and the Holocaust was the result.