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During the 1800s, there arose a notion of an "Aryan race," those who spoke Indo-European languages, who were considered to be responsible for all the progress that mankind had made and who were also morally superior to "Semites," "yellows," and "blacks." The Germanic peoples came to be regarded as the purest "Aryans."This notion, which had been repudiated by anthropologists by the second quarter of the 20th century, was seized upon by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and made the basis of the German government policy of exterminating Jews, Gypsies, and other "non-Aryans."

Hitler regarded the Nordic Aryans as the only creative race on earth, the only source of human greatness and progress. He believed that its end would mean the end of all civilization. Since he saw the German Reich as the highest expression of Aryanism, he proclaimed that it was necessary, not only for Germany but for the salvation of mankind, to secure the victorious survival of Germany by maintaining the purity of German "blood" against contamination by inferior races.

Note also that Hitler did have blue eyes.

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13y ago
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2w ago

Oh, dude, Hitler's whole Aryan race thing was like his own messed-up fantasy world. I mean, the guy had brown hair and brown eyes himself, so go figure. It's like he wanted to be the leader of the cool kids club but didn't even meet his own criteria. Like, talk about not practicing what you preach, right?

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4mo ago

Well, honey, Hitler was as delusional as a unicorn in a rainstorm. He believed in this ridiculous idea of Aryan superiority, but forgot to check the mirror before spouting off. I guess he missed the memo that you can't always get what you want, especially when it comes to genetics.

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14y ago

Hitler had not brown eyes, nor brown hair. That is a myth made by the Jews and allies. He had blue eyes and black hair. Light hair and eyes stood for purity. It's exclusive for the white race. The opposite of the dark negroid or black eyed Jew. He didn't hate other people because they had dark hair or eyes. He wanted to save the light people from extinction and saw them also as the highest form of the white Germanic master race.

If you look closely in the real pics you'll Hitler had Grey eyes not blue not brown but Grey and he had dark brown to black hair shade. The above answer claims being blond and having blue eyes is only a "White thing" but he is wrong many Arabs, Indians can naturally have these features, Neanderthals had these features too, Albinos have it too. Apart from humans many animals have colored eyes and light hair too. Hitler wasn't racist in the beginning when he was in Germany since He had a strong crush on a Jewish girl and he wanted to get married with her... there's a lot of stuff that proves he was more of a hater than a racist, it was psychological thing that he made up in his head to get out his frustration.

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13y ago

the line between who Hitler actually liked and those he had to be around because of his job are unclear.

the issue about blonde hair and blue eyes is part of the aryan myth. It was an ideal, an extreme, not the norm.

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13y ago

He didn't. This blonde hair, blue eyes business is just a myth. He was interested in pure blood. Pure Anglo saxon blood. Hitler was "Aryan*" even though he had dark eyes and hair. It would make no sense that Aryans had to have blonde hair and blue eyes. It was just a sign that they are likely to be Aryan. This is why he saw England as his sister country because we are from Anglo Saxon decent.

Aryan* Master race you have it wrong mate

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13y ago

hittler didn`t like Jews because he wanted to be a artist and the Jews didn`t think that he hed what it took and so he wanted to have a perfect race of blonde hair and blue eyes and no Jews what so ever.

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14y ago

Hitler had the idea that the "superior" genetics were ones with blue eyes and blond hair. And since he didn't like anyone else. He killed all the people without blond hair or blue eyes. Most of these people were Jews, Roman people, homosexuals, disabled individuals, slaves in Eastern Europe, Poles, Soviet POWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Serbs. And you know what was crazy? Adolf Hitler didn't have blond hair and blue eyes he had brown hair and brown eyes.


Hitler himself didn't talk about blue eyes and fair hair. See the related question.

Because he thought they were better than Jews. He didn't like Jews (mainly because they had dark hair and eyes) because they didn't believe God had already came. He thought his beliefs were right and that he was good for doing it

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13y ago

Because he considered them to represent the ideal race, the Aryan race.

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12y ago

Though popularizations of Nazi race theory talked a lot about blue eyes and blonde hair I don't think Hitler personally is on record as having referred to these characteristics.

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The Aryans was not just blonde hair blue eyed people that was just propaganda and the ideal look, Hitler did have blue eyes.

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In my opinion they were aliens. Mean,selfish aliens that didnt care of anything. Hitler didnt even have blonde hair and blue eyes! No they didnt have contact with aliens

What happened to the people Hitler saw had no blue eyes and blonde hair?

To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.

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blonde, fiar skin, blue eyes

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he did not exterminate people with blonde hair and blue eyes

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When he grew a pair...Oh wait that was never

What was Hitler's idea of a superior Aryan race?

blonde hair blue eyes and white skin.

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desirable: blonde hair blue eyes undesirable: jews

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Hitler wanted to kill people that had disabilities and that did not agree with him. he didnt care about the blonde hair blue eyes white skin. if he did why did he attack scandinavia then? they had blonde hair blue eyes. it was only german people. he didnt hate people with brown hair or brown eyes. those were jews hair color and eye usually. he thought that they were taking their jobs. making them so poor. ignorance is worse then hatred.

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Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair

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Because he wanted the perfect race of blonde hair and blue eyes.