They were in a preceding conflict with France, causing Great Britain to be in War Debt, and they did not want to fight a war while still in debt.
Britain's Navy was busy in the Atlantic and Britain was very busy fighting the Germans in Europe.
They were losing and needed help from a strong nation. They were losing and needed help from a strong nation.
The term of "king cotton" was in use during the US Civil War. The Confederate government tried to use its leverage with European countries to become a recognized nation through the sales of cotton. In particular with Great Britain, because the textile mills in Great Britain were dependent on the cotton they purchased from Southern cotton plantation owners. The Confederates argued that the Union's blockades of Southern ports was preventing cotton to be shipped to England. They made the case that formal recognition of their Confederate government would help in lifting the blockade. This was a veiled attempt to have the navy of Great Britain assist the South by breaking Union ships port blockades.
they help britain and France
Made it easier for Mussolini to invade Ethiopia. Made it easier for Hitler to invade Europe. Used as a pretext to refuse any help to the French republic in 1939-1941, while France was at war against Hitler. Prevented FDR to offer more than consolation to Great Britain after the fall of France, until late 1941.
Because they were planning to help the Confederates.
The Confederates wanted help from Britain, but Britain did not help the Confederates due to the fact that if they would of been supporting the South, it would of made them look like they supported slavery. They also didn't want to go against the North, which they would of done if they would of supported the South.
By keeping Britain and France from aiding the Confederates - it would have made them look pro-slavery themlselves.
Britain would have felt free to help the Confederates, with France likely to follow suit.
It deprived the Southern enemy of his property, and made it impossible for Britain to help the Confederates without looking pro-slavery.
Great Britain was taxing the colonies to help fight a war fought on foreign shores.
To what ?......cannot help otherwise
it doesn't
Britain's status as an island.
It will benifit Great Britain by having al the people or tourists will come and buy things and this will help Britain economy.
London, Great Britain.