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Q: Why did Confederate defend Petersburg so fiercely?
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Why did the confederates defend Petersburg so Fiercly?

It was a rail link to the Confederate Capital.

Why did the Confederate army defend Petersburg?

Petersburg was a rail link to the Confederate capital. The Confederates defended so fiercely Petersburg because that fortified town covered Richmond, their Capital city, its complex of military installation and industries and the strategic railroad net leading to the area Richmond-Petersburg, vital for the prosecution of the war.

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Attean defends the beaver dam so fiercely due to try to preserve the beavers. It is believed that the numbers of beavers are dwindling, so he tries to defend those that are left.

What made Confederate General Albert S. Johnston's department so difficult to defend?

Confederate General Albert S. Johnston accepted the mission put forth by Jefferson Davis to defend the vast Western Department in the Confederacy. The region was going to be difficult to defend because it was exposed to a Northern invasion by four major routes. Three of them were the rivers of the Mississippi, Tennessee and Cumberland. In addition he had to defend the railroad, ( Louisville & Nashville) that lead to Chattanooga and the lower South.

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Eagles are most definitely Carnivores … fiercely so.

What was the purpose of the Union siege of Petersburg?

In order to capture the Confederate capital city of Richmond, Grant wanted to cut the railway supply line that ran from Petersburg Virginia, north to Richmond. So far repeated Union attempts to take Richmond had failed. At least three or more Union tries at this goal were repulsed. Both Richmond & Petersburg we well fortified. Since attacking Petersburg seemed impossible with Confederate General Lee commanding the defence of both cities, Grant decided to lay siege to Petersburg in order to hope for a surrender. Almost 10 months passed before the siege succeeded. Because of the length of the siege, Lee had no choice but to withdraw from both Richmond & Petersburg. Grant cut the supply lines to Richmond. With Lee gone Grant;s forces were finally able to take Richmond. Lincoln, who had waited years to have this done, paid a visit to the captured city.

Why was Robert lee against succession?

Because he was a patriotic soldier, who was sworn to defend the Union. But he believed that he was a Virginian first and an American second. So when Virginia voted Confederate, Lee felt he ought to go with his state.

What was the situation of generals Grant and Sherman as the month of July 1864 ended?

General Grant was carrying on the siege of Petersburg and at the same time his efforts to reach and interrupt the vital railway net which supplied the Confederate front of Richmond - Petersburg. On July, 30th 1864 the Union offensive called "Battle of the Crater", aiming to break through Petersburg's front failed. The stalemate continued. General Sherman was carrying on his efforts to conquest Atlanta but the progress was slow and not decisive so that it seemed that even on this front it had reached a stalemate.

Is st petersburg highschool haunted?

Very much so...

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Please have a look at the two related questions below.

What is the comparative form of the word fiercely?

Fiercely is an adverb so first change it into a simple adjective. Fiercely -> Fierce. Comparative forms of adjectives are best defined positive or negative or between two objects/people/ideas.Fierce, fiercer, fiercest, more fiercer, most fiercest

What was the confederate's war strategyduring the Civil War?

The Confederate strategy during the Civil War was simple. They fought:To defend states' rights against what they saw as an intruding federal government.To make sure that the North did not bully the South into forging an economy similar to the North's.To ensure that the institution of slavery survived so as to keep the economy intact (a goal that was advocated by the wealthy plantation owners).To defend their soil against the Union armies that invaded it.To try and have foreign nations such as England and France recognize their independence.