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WWI was fought with horses and military strategy from the 1800's.

WWII was slaughter on an industrial scale.

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Q: Why World War 2 Had more gruesome deaths then World War 1?
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How did the airplane effect World War 1?

The flamethrower is a type of weapon where the operator shoots burning fuel. Its effect on World War I and the soldiers who fought in it was mostly psychological; the injuries and deaths it inflicted were particularly gruesome.

Which world war had more deaths?

the most casualties in a war was the American Civil War with 495,332 deaths and behind it is WW2 with 405,399 deaths.

Which war had more US combat deaths Korea or Vietnam?

world war two dummy

Were there more military casualties in World War 1 or World War 2?

World War II, by a large margin. World War I saw about 8,500,000 military deaths. By contrast World War II produced between 20,000,000 and 30,000,000 military deaths, along with another 20,000,000 or so civilian deaths. Michael Montagne World War II, by about a factor of ten. Michael Montagne

How many military deaths where there in World War 2?

How Many Military Deaths Where There In World War Two ? :)

Which war had more deaths?

WW2 by far. It is much the greatest conflict in history.

What is the difference between World War I to anothers?

More people died in World War 1 rivalled to any other. 16 million deaths, 21 million wounded. 9.7million deaths of military personel and around 6.8million deaths of civilians.

Did the usa lose more men in Vietnam then World War 2?

No. World War 2 had 418,500 US Deaths. Vietnam had 58,217 US Deaths. and 155,359 Wounded/MIA (1,947 are MIA)

How many more deaths did the Soviets have than the Japanese in world war ii?

1 milliones

What viral disease caused more deaths in World War 2 than combat?


How many soildiers died during World War 2?

The total Military Deaths during World War 2 is about 25.45 Million. This is 36% out of the total deaths during World War 2. The rest were civilian deaths.

What race of people had more deaths in world war 2?

Jews. Hitler hated Jews. 6 million Jews died in world war two.