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Women Army and Navy reservests

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Q: Who were wacs and the waves world war 2?
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Women during World War 2?

They served their country in the WACS, WAVES,and SPARS

What did WAC's do in World War 2?

WACs were female reseve service personnel who helped do soldiers work so they could fight also WAVEs

What are facts about the WACs in World War 2?

I don't Knoww . You TEll ME !

What was a Name for a Woman soldier during World War 2?

That depends on the service they were associated with. WACS for the US Army, WAVES for the US Navy. Wrens for the British Navy.

How many US service members served in World War 2?

Over 16 million US servicemen were in uniform. US Women served as special volunteers in the WAVEs & WACs.

What is the name of the organization of woman in the US Army?

During World War 2, women in the Army were called WACs, and acronym of Women Army Corps.

World War 2 female soldier abrieviation?

WACs (for Women's Army Corps) , WAAF for Women's Auxiliary Air Force , WAVES for Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service .

How did the WACS help in world war 2?

554 of the women's army auxiliary corps (WAAC) were promoted to women's army corps (WAC), they were the first women to go to war other than nurses

How many women were in the WAVES program in World War 2?

over 84,000

What did women do to help in the World War 1?

Some women helped during world war one by staying home,caring for the children and home,holding sewing or factory jobs to pay bills,others worked in hospitals caring for military wounded. I think women do this during all wars. Tody women also fight in the wars,there was a time of the waves and wacs,they worked medical ,secretarial.

How many waves are there in gears of war 2 horde?

50 waves

Womens units of the army and navy during world war 2?

WAAC's (army) WAVES (navy)