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Q: Who was the us general that returned to liberate the Philippines?
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Did general Douglas MacArthur struggle to hold the US Positions in the Philippines?

General MacArthur tried to hold the US position in the Philippines becasue he was the comanding general and that was his job. It was a struggle because the Japanese had used surprise, destroyed half the US Army's fighter planes in the region, US and Philippine troops were poorly supplied, and the US was unable to quickly provide supplies or reinforcements.

Who liberated the Philippines during World War 1?

The Philippines were not involved in WWI US forces led by General Douglas MacArthur liberated them from Japanese occupation in 1945 (WWII)

When did the invaders invade Philippines?

Spain has never invaded the Philippines. Spain's interest in the Philippine Islands dates to their discovery by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521. There was no grand invasion or conquest and coloniazation by Spain began in 1565 under Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. Spain owned the Philppines until the Spanish-American War in 1898 when it became a US Territory.

What did the us lose in World War 2?

Soon after Japan attacked pearl harbor, the Japanese captured numerous Islands in the pacific that were at that time US territories. These include Guam, The Philippines etc. and they weren't returned to US control until near the end of the war when the US pacific forces retook them. A few years after the war an independence movement in the Philippines (primarily brought on by the outcome of the war) caused the us to give up control of the islands, so you could say the us lost the Philippines as a result of ww2. In addition to that, the us lost tens of thousands of American lives and thousands of vehicles and aircraft on foreign battlefields.

Why did a US led military coalition attack Iraq in 1991?

To protect petroleum supplies and to liberate the occupied country of Kuwait.

Related questions

What battle was MacArthur able to say people of the Philippines you have returned?

The proper quotation was actually "People of the Philippines: I have returned." General MacArthur said this when the US landed on Leyte, Philippines in World War II.

Us general who was chased out of the Philippines but evenually returned in 1944?

Franco, later the dictator of Spain til his death in 1975.

What was the Philippines American war about?

The war was the Spanish-American war.....the US has never fought a war against the Philippines, just to liberate them, the a fore mentioned war (from Spain) and WW II from the Japanese.

When did Tim Tebow go to the US?

When he was three years old, he returned with his family from the Philippines to the U.S.

Who is the first governor general of US?

The US has never had a governor general. The first President of the United States was George Washington. The first US Governor-General of the Philippines was William Howard Taft.

Who were the US military governors in the Philippines under the military government?

The first American Military Governor of the Philippines was General Wesley Merritt. The second was General Elwell Otis. The final was General Arthur MacArthur.

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Who is general McCarter?

US Army General Douglas MacArthur, son of US Army General Arthur MacArthur, Medal of Honor winner from the US Civil War (1861-1865) and Governor of the Philippines.

Why is union general US grant trying to capture western forts in 1862?

In order to liberate the Mississippi and isolate all enemy troops west of the river.

Why did General Douglas MacArthur's struggle to hold the US positions in the Philippines?

General MacArthur tried to hold the US position in the Philippines becasue he was the comanding general and that was his job. It was a struggle because the Japanese had used surprise, destroyed half the US Army's fighter planes in the region, US and Philippine troops were poorly supplied, and the US was unable to quickly provide supplies or reinforcements.

Why did General Douglas MacArthur struggled to hold the US positions in the Philippines?

General MacArthur tried to hold the US position in the Philippines becasue he was the comanding general and that was his job. It was a struggle because the Japanese had used surprise, destroyed half the US Army's fighter planes in the region, US and Philippine troops were poorly supplied, and the US was unable to quickly provide supplies or reinforcements.

Why did general Douglas MacArthur struggle to hold the US position in the Philippines?

General MacArthur tried to hold the US position in the Philippines becasue he was the comanding general and that was his job. It was a struggle because the Japanese had used surprise, destroyed half the US Army's fighter planes in the region, US and Philippine troops were poorly supplied, and the US was unable to quickly provide supplies or reinforcements.