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James Doolittle

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Q: Who was the lead pilot of the Tokyo Raid?
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Who was the lead pilot the Tokyo Raid?

James Doolittle

Who was lead piloted of Tokyo Raid?

James Doolittle

Who was the lead poilot of the Tokyo raid?

The raid was done by Colonel Jimmy Doolittle It was called the Doolittle Raid

He commanded the first air raid on Tokyo?


Who was in control of the raid on Tokyo in 1942?

Col. James Dolittle

In April of 1942 bomber planes led by the pilot James Doolittle bombed?

The Doolittle Raid was a bombing mission that was led by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle. The raid took place on April 18th, 1942 as specially modified B-25 "Mitchell" medium bombers took off from the USS Hornet in the western Pacific Ocean. The target of the raid was Tokyo, Japan. The raid is significant in that it was a powerful Propaganda tool for the United States to bolster morale amongst its civilian and military populations.

What city did the Jimmy Doolittle stage a raid on April of 1942?


Who was the chief pilot on the dam busters raid?

Guy Gibson .

Did the US bomb Tokyo after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

The first US attack on Tokyo was the Doolittle Tokyo Raid which took place on April 18, 1942.

What happened at doolittle's raid on japan?

Air strikes were carried out during the Doolittle Raid on Japan. It took place on April 18, 1942 and is also known as the Tokyo Raid.

What was the retaliation of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

The Doolittle Raid was retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor. It occurred on April 18, 1942. It is also referred to as the Tokyo Raid.

Who was the U.S. gerneal who led the first U.S. bombing raid over Tokyo?

General Doolittle led the Doolittle Raids on Tokyo