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Hiram Maxim

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Q: Who was the inventor of the machine gun?
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Inventor of machine gun?

Hiram Maxim

Who is the inventor of machine gun?

Hiram Maxim

Who Machine gun inventor?

Sir Hiram Maxim.

Who was Gatling gun named after?

The inventor of the Gatling gun was Richard Jordan Gatling. The machine gun- like weapon was named after the inventor. He invented it in 1862.

Inventor of the first machine gun?

Hiram Maxim. Other earlier rapid fire guns, such as the Gatling Gun, were not true machine guns.

Which country introduced machine gun?

It was an American inventor, Dr. Richard J who also invented the gataling gun

What is the world's most powerful light machine gun mmg medium machine gun and hmg heavy machine gun?

light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun

What caused Doctor Richard Gatling to believe his invention of a machine gun would benefit humanity?

The inventor of the Gatling gun believed that by having a weapon that produced heavy casualties, it would be a deterrent to wars.

Did Hiram Stevens Maxim get a Nobel Prize?

No, Hiram Stevens Maxim did not receive a Nobel Prize. He was a British-American inventor known for inventing the Maxim gun, which was the first portable fully automatic machine gun.

What is the difference between machine gun and sub-machine gun?

A sub-machine gun fires pistol cartridges. A machine gun fires rifle rounds.

What are machine gun nests?

machine gun position

What black inventor invented the washing machine?

Elijah McCoy, a black inventor, did not invent the washing machine. The modern washing machine was invented by James King in 1851.