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Lt. Dennis Brotheridge was the first Allied soldier to die on D-Day. He also killed the first German on D-Day. Brotheridge, of the Oxfordshire and Bucks. Light Infantry Regt. of the British 6th Airborne, landed with his 28 troops in a glider at 0016. At about 0020 they were challenged by a German sentry, 17 year old Private Helmut Rohmer. Brotheridge shot him with his Sten gun, and just a minute or two later was shot himself by a German machine gun. He died at 0023 on D-Day.

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Q: Who was the first soldier to die on d day?
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How was the first soldier to die on D day where and when?

Lt. Dennis Brotheridge of the Oxford and Bucks. Light Infantry was the first Allied soldier to die on D-Day. He also killed the first German on D-Day. Brotheridge landed with his 28 troops in a glider at 0016, near the Orne Bridge. At about 0020 they were challenged by a German sentry, 17 year old Private Helmut Rohmer. Brotheridge shot him with his Sten gun, and just a minute or two later was shot himself by a German machine gun. He died at 0023 on D-Day.

Who was the first Allied soldier killed on D-Day?

Lt. Den Brotheridge is often considered the first Allied soldier killed in the D-Day invasion. He was killed as a result of a glider crash before the actual landings.

Who was the first man to die in action on D-Day?

The first men to die on D-Day would have been the German soldiers killed in the air and sea bombardment that preceded the attack by allied troops.

Who was dan brotheridge?

Lt. Dan Brotheridge was the first allied soldier that died during D-Day, June 6th 1944

Who was the last civil war soldier to die in battle?

Abe Lincoln :D

What was the average age of d day invasion?

The average Allied soldier was about 20.

What was the experience like for a soldier in the D-Day landings?

I highly recommend you see these three movies to learn about the soldier's viewpoint of the Normandy Invasion/D Day. See Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. You can probably check them out of the Library for free.

Was Bonaparte on outstanding soldier?

he ate 100 big macs a day but he was still small. :D

When was Dark Soldier D created?

Dark Soldier D was created in 1998.

How long was d day in days?

D-Day was the first day of Operation Overlord.

What was the life span of a soldier on d-day?

Around 1-2 seconds according to past references.