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Q: Who was the commanding general of the union armies?
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The commanding general of the Union armies in the final stages of the of the Civil War was?

that was George b.McClellan

Who was the final commanding general for the north in the civil war?

The general in chief of all Union armies at the end of the war was Ulysses S. Grant.

Who was the general armies commanding general during the civil war?

no one

Who was the Union commander who took Atlanta?

Lt. General William Tecumseh Sherman, commanding the Armies of the Tennessee and of the Cumberland took Atlanta in September of 1864.

What famous Confederate general was first asked to lead the Union armies but turned it down and became the commanding general of the South?

Robert E. Lee was offered command of the Union Armies by President Lincoln. He turned it down because he felt he was a Virginian first and could not fight against is State.

Who was the last commanding general of the union army?

General Ulysses Grant

Who was the commanding general of the union army?


Who was a general in the US Civil War?

Richard MontgomeryRobert E. Lee was the commanding general for the Confederacy and Ulysses S. Grant was the commanding general for the Union.

Who were the union leaders at the second battle at Manassas?

The Union Commanding General on the field at Second Manassas was General John Pope.

Who were the commanding generals of both sides at the end of the war?

The General-in-Chief of the Union Armies was Ulysses S. Grant, and General-in-Chief of the Confederate armies was Robert E. Lee. Technically, the commander of the victorious Army of the Potomac was General George Meade, but Grant was travelling in a mobile HQ right beside him, and took Lee's surrender.

Who was the confederate army and who was the union army?

Both armies had several different commanders in different sectors of the war. By 1864, Ulysses S. Grant was the general-in-chief of the Union (Northern/Federal) forces, while Robert E. Lee was the general commanding the Confederate (Southern/"Rebel") forces.

What union leader appointed supreme commander of all union armies?

General Grant was appointed Supreme leader of all Union armies.