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Albert Sidney Johnston

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Q: Who was the commander for the south during the Battle of Shiloh?
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What did the north and south call the Battle of Shiloh?

what does the north call the battle of shiloh

Why didn't the south win the Battle of Shiloh?

Their commander Sidney Johnston was killed there, and Union reinforcements arrived from the East just in time.

Who was the leader of the south during the battle of Chattanooga?

General Braxton Bragg was the commander of the Confederate Army of Tennessee during the Battle of Chattanooga.

Who was the general of the Shiloh Battle for the south?

The highly-rated General Sidney Johnston, killed at Shiloh.

Was the Battle of Shiloh take place in the north or the south'?

The South - on the Tennessee river.

What was the south point of view the Battle of Shiloh?

The Confederates had taken Grant by surprise, and nearly pushed that army into the Tennessee River. Then their commander was killed, and Grant's reinforcements arrived. So they had to retreat.

What was the result of the Battle of Shiloh?

the south had more men than the north

What was the result of the battle Shiloh?

the south had more men than the north

Who was the battle against in the battle of Shiloh?

The Battle of Shiloh was the Confederacy (South) vs. the Union (North). The Battle of Shiloh took place at Pittsburg Landing, Harding County, Tennessee. The Battle of Shiloh was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War, and only lasted two days, April 6 & 7, 1862. The Union won this battle, and as a result, the Confederacy had to recede from much of Tennessee.

Who was the top leaders for the north and south during the Battle of Vicksburg?

North - U.S. Grant South - garrison commander, John C. Pemberton, reporting to his area commander, Joseph E. Johnston.

Who was the confederate cammander of the Battle of Shiloh?

Sidney Johnston, probably the best General in the South. He was killed at that battle.

What's significance about the Battle of Shiloh?

Well the battle was a battle fought between the north, the union, and the south, the blacks lovers.