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Q: Who was the allied commander that led the island hoping campaign?
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What allied commander who led the island hoping campaign in the pacific?

General Douglas MacArthur.

The Allied campaign in the South Pacific involved .?

Island hopping.

What was the allied battle plane in the pacific?

An island-hopping campaign in order to get close enough to strike Japan.

Commander of the US naval forces in the pacific and brilliant strategist of the island-hopping campaign?

Chester W. Nimitz

What was the main target of the kamikazes?

They usually targeted aircraft carriers, especially during the battles at Midway and during the island hopping campaign. Pearl Harbor was the anomaly.

Did the Japanese or the Americans win the battle of Iwo Jima?

The Americans and Allied Forces won the battle of Iwo Jima and most of the battles to take back the islands on the island hopping campaign.

US tactics toward Japan in World War 2?

The Pacific campaign against the Japanese consisted of "island hopping" where one island, or chain of islands, was taken at a time. Once an island was taken that was close enough to launch bombing raids from, the Japanese mainland was firebombed by Allied aircraft.

What was island hoping?

pushing the enemy off islands

Who were the allied forces in island hopping?

the us and australia

Which of these was not related to the Allied island-hopping strategy?


The Allied strategy against the Japanese was best described as?

'Island Hopping'

Who were the commanders for Britain and America in the battle of long island?

The American commander was Washington, and the British commander was Howe.