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President Bush

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Q: Who was left with a cell phone a gun and little else for thirty four days during operation defensive shield?
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What was the first operation in the gulf war?

Operation Desert Shield. It was the defensive phase to prevent an invasion of Saudi Arabia as Coalition forces built up their strength for the offensive phase.

When did Operation Ocean Shield happen?

Operation Ocean Shield happened on 2009-08-17.

What world events or local stuff happened on March 29 2002?

Israel launches Operation Defensive Shield against Palestinian militants in response to the Passover massacre two days before.

The AFTB program is a direct result of lessons learned during which of the following?

Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm

Where did the anzac soldiers sleep?

In trenches. They also use it as a defensive shield.

When did Little Shield die?

Little Shield died in 1879.

Ano ang operation desert shield?


What did Operation Desert Shield become on January 16 1991?

It became Operation Desert Storm.

Who directed the Operation Desert Shield campaign in the middle east in 1990 and served as secretary of state?

Colin Powell, though it is worth noting that he did not direct Operation Desert Shield while being Secretary of State. He became Secretary of State during the George W. Bush presidency, ten years later.

When did Operation Desert Shield - Iraq - happen?

Desert Shield was designed as an operation to protect Saudi Arabia from a possible Iraqi incursion, either by air or by land in late 1990 and early 1991. As Saudi Arabia supported Kuwaiti independence and was hosting UN Coalition troops, there was the strong possibility that Iraq's superior military could overwhelm Saudi defenses.

What are the release dates for Star Trek Operation Beta Shield - 2008?

Star Trek Operation Beta Shield - 2008 was released on: UK: 2008 (internet) USA: 2008 (internet)

Does the green ranger dragon shield boost his powers?

One opinion believes that the orignal Green Ranger's Shield does boost his offensive output however another opinion believes that the Shield does not increase his offensive output but is actually a defensive shield.