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The Jewish public where gassed in the concentration camps and on battlefields sometimes the Germans used gas to confuse the allies which is also a strategy used often today as well. Also so bombs which where dropped on oppositions where gas bombs as well.

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Q: Who was gassed in World War 2?
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Why did German infantry carry gas mask in world war 2?

So they wouldn't get gassed

How did soldier avoid being gassed in World War 1?

they wore masks

Who is James K Riley deceased world war you veteran?

he was gassed in world 1 private,co g,104infantry

What did the Nanzis do to Jewish in the World War 2?

They gassed, beat and experimented on them along with other minorities such as homosexuals, gypsies, Poles, the disable and POW's. Approximately 6 million Jews were killed alone.

Hitler's injuries during the war?

adolf was gassed

Why was the whole world quiet during the killings in World War 2?

No one wanted to stand up to Hitler. They didn't want to tell him he was doing wrong. Everyone was afraid of him. They thought that if they stood up to him, they would be gassed or killed in another way.

What is the abbreviation for the largest war in which the US forces have fought in?

WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.WWII which is an abbreviation for World War 2.

Is apocalypse world war 2 and world war 2 are the same?

yes apocalypse world war 2 is the same as world war 2.

What punishments were given to Jews in world war 2?

The losers of World War 2, like Germany and Ottoman Empire (Turkey) were smashed into pieces by their enemies at the end of the war. Germany was divide into Eastern and Western Germany through Berlin Wall and Ottoman Empire was collapsed into several smaller Islamic countries.

What was the Australian death toll in World War I?

Australia had a death toll of 40,458 in battle out of nearly a million service persons in World War 2. This figure is for both the European/African and Pacific Theaters of War. If you need more information you can refer to the related link below. (Oops, sorry you wanted World War 1) Australia had a population less than 5 million in the 1910s. 416,809 men enlisted in the Royal services. Unfortunately more than 60,000 died and 156,000 were wounded, gassed or taken prisoner. That is the World War 1 figure from the related site below. Editor's note: Did you notice that more Aussies died in World War 1 than in World War 2? There was a reason for that. The trench war cost many more lives than most of the combined battles of World War 2. They had learned to fight better and save more lives in World War 2.

World war 2?

They might make world war z 2 in 2016.And I hope they will.

Was it World War 1 or World War 2 that had to do with Nazis and Germany?

World War 2