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Renegade members of the Religion of Evil. Also known as Al'Qaeda. Led by Osama bin Laden.

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Q: Who was behind the WTC attacks?
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What type of planes were used in September 11 attacks?

Boeing 767s on WTC; Boeing 757s elewhere

What were the WTC?

The WTC (World Trade Center) was a complex of buildings in lower Manhattan. The original World Trade Center opened on April 4, 1973. The buildings were destroyed on September 11 terrorist attacks of 2001.

Was there really phone calls to mormons on 9-11 telling them not to come to work at the WTC?

As one might expect due to the controversial nature of the subject matter, strong evidence exists both for and against. What is factual, is that countless commercial institutions housed within the WTC complexes broke their lease prior to the attacks and left in some manner of a hurry. Insider trading and other such events have proven that prior knowledge of the WTC attacks was very much apparent... Ask Questions, Demand Answers.

What is WTC?

WTC is what World Trade Center stands for.

What was the WTC made of?

the wtc was made of glass and steel

What are the release dates for One Year The First Anniversary of the WTC Attacks - 2003?

One Year The First Anniversary of the WTC Attacks - 2003 was released on: USA: 13 May 2003 (Windsong International Film Festival) USA: 20 May 2003 (University of Washington Student Film Festival) USA: 14 October 2003 (DC Asian Pacific American Film Festival)

When was WTC View created?

WTC View was created in 2005.

What attacks did Osama bin Laden organize?

omg! the wtc the world trade centre the two planes hitting the twin tower the pentagon attack don't you watch the news

What really happened to WTC 7?

WTC 7 was destroyed by controled demolition just as the WTC. Two witnesses claim that explosives were in the world trade center 7. BBC reported WTC 7 destroyed 7 minutes before it came down who ever said rubble from WTC destroyed WTC 7 made is one of the worset liar's in amairica

Was there a James Thomas who dies at the WTC?

yes there was a jams thomas who died in the wtc

When did the fourth plane hit the wtc?

it never did. Only two planes hit the WTC.

How many people were killed in the attack at the WTC?

2,799 people died in the wtc attack.