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At the time the country was 90% farms, so the majority of the continental army were farmers.

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Q: Who was a paid soldier in the continental army who fought the British?
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Who was the paid soldier in Continental Army who fought the british army?

At the time the country was 90% farms, so the majority of the continental army were farmers.

Did John Burgoyne fight in the continental army or the British army?

Jonh Burgoyne fought with the British army.

What was the continental army and who was in charge of it?

The continental army of the Civil war was the army of the Continental United States. The main, and best (he won many battles) soldier was General George McClellan.

Which colony was the Battle of Camden fought in?

The Battle of Camden was fought in the American colony of New Jersey. It was fought between the British Army and the Continental Army of the British colony in North America.

What did the British do when the Continental Army surrounded them in Boston on March 4 1776?

They fought back.

What are the continental army's advantages?

At the time the British were the largest and most powerful army. The continental army was small. However the war was fought on foreign land for the British so it was harder for them and also determination help the US win.

What describes the Continental Army?

It would be an army that fights on its native continent. The proper noun "Continental Army" was the army of colonists, mostly militia, that fought the British in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783).

Who was a soldier for the british in the french and Indian war and later he went on to be in charge of the continental army?

George Washington.

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the red coats were british and fought against america

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Because it showed that the colonists could defend thenselves against the

George Washington was commander in chief of the British Army?

George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the American revolutionary forces in 1775 by the Continental Congress.Continental army

Is the Continental Army the same as the Union army?

No. The Continental army that fought the British was organized under a confederacy of colonies (later becoming states under the articles of confederation). The Union army wasn't born until the US constitution was ratified in 1787.