He was a general in the Civil war. * Robert Evans Lee was the son of General "Lighthorse" Harry Lee * Robert E. Lee graduated 2nd in his class (and 1st in artillery and tactics) from West Point in 1829 * Robert E. Lee was an engineering officer in the Mexican War along with other US officers who later became US or CS generals. * Colonel Robert E. Lee commanded the US Marines from Washington DC who recaptured Harper's Ferry from John Brown. * Winfield Scott wanted Lee as a general of the North, and Lee would have done it if his home state of Virginia had not gone with the South. * Lee was somewhat unknown in the Civil War until his victory at Second Manassass (known as Second Bull Run in the North). * Lee made the calls at Gettysburg, one of the two decisive battles, and he lost. * Lee surrendered the South to General Grant. All other Confederate armies had been destroyed except for Lee's, and he surrendered to avoid more killing.
Robert E. Lee
Robert E. Lee
Lee and robby :)
Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant.
Robert E. Lee
Martha Washington
Rob Lee was born on February 1, 1966.
Rob Lee was born on February 1, 1966.
Being the leader of the confederate in the civil war and a man that was for slavery. Actually, Lee's personal feelings were that slavery was wrong.
Rob Lee is 45 years old (birthdate: February 1, 1966).
Rob Karracker's birth name is Robbie Lee Karraker.
Robert E Lee's wife.
George Washington Custis Lee never married, and had no children. He was the son of Robert E. Lee. The only children of Robert E. Lee and Mary Custis to marry and have children were their sons Rooney and Rob.
Yes, Lighthorse Harry Lee was Robert E. Lee's father.
No, Robert E Lee is not single.
it was shorter
Robert E. Lee's mother was Ann Hill Carter (Lee).