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The average man in 1775 was a farmer so most of the volunteers were farmers.

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Q: Who volunteered to serve in George Washington's army?
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George washingtons greatest challenge at Valley Forge?

to keep the contiental army together.was also the cold winters

What did the marquis de Lafayette volunteer to do?

In 1775, at just 18 years old, Gilbert du Motier (Marquis de Lafayette) left France and volunteered to serve in the Continental Army. Having received extensive military training by the age of 13, he was found qualified for important positions in the army under George Washington. He was the youngest major general in the army. He was also crucial in soliciting French support for the American colonies.

What is the explanation to why the Confederacy did not draft slaves and free blacks into the army?

Your "facts" are in error.Between 65,000 and 100,000 blacks served in the Confederate Army. Let me restate that: as many as 100,000 blacks served in the Army of the South. These men were cooks, musicians, and soldiers.Of the 179,000 blacks who served in all aspects of the Union Army and 19,000 who served in the Navy, 40,000 died in service.Where the majority of Northern blacks volunteered, many of the Southern blacks were pressed into service, although quite a few volunteered to serve in the Confederate cause.

How did the United States build an army for the war during World War 2?

People volunteered

What did the union government offer to those who volunteered in an effort to encourage northern men to serve in the army?

A generous bounty - a bad idea, because men would take the money, immediately desert and join up again, just for the money.

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George Washington's strongest quality as commander of the Continental Army was?

george washingtons strongest points were killing the army

What is George Washingtons name of the army he is in?

If I understand you correctly... he was Commander-In-Chief of the Continental Army.

Prussian officer who volunteered to serve with the continental army?

Baron von Steuben

What was george washingtons challenges in creating a army?

none da people

What two kinds of people serve in roman army?

Those who volunteered and those who were conscripted.

What is George Washingtons's occupation?

Surveyor, Plantation owner and Officer in British Army

What were george washingtons eccompleshments and contrabutions?

he was the leader in the continnetal army and he sighed the declaration of independance

On which side of the civil war did African Americans serve?

most were on the north side because they didnt want slavery

Did George Washington accept a salary when he served as general of the Continental Army?

No, he volunteered for the task and asked for no pay.

Where was george washingtons first win as a general in the US Continental Army?

It is when Washington took the city of Boston

What is George Washingtons army tent?

George Washington Army Tent refers to the tent that campers put up when they go to the wild. This is in reference to the tent that George Washington did build during the American Revolutionary War.

George washingtons greatest challenge at Valley Forge?

to keep the contiental army together.was also the cold winters