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The Japanese occupied all of Manchuria in 1931 and created the puppet state ofmanchuria in 1932!!!

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Q: Who took over Manchuria in the 1930s?
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What was manchuria invaded by?

The Japanese took over Manchuria in 1932. This was an attempt by Japan to have control over some of the land that belonged to the Chinese.

This country was invaded by Japan in the 1930s.?


What country did japan invaded in 1930s?

Manchuria, Thailand and China

What country did Japan invade in the 1930s?

In 1931, Japan invaded and occupied Manchuria.

What is the Japanese expansion during the 1930s?

the Japanese expansion of the 1930s was to expand out of Korea and into manchuria which it annexed and call manchukou

Who took control of Manchuria in 1939?

The Japanese .

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In 1939 Czechoslovakia was invaded by Nazi Germany

During the 1930s japan began its conquest of parts of?

During the 1930s, Japan began its conquest of parts of East Asia, including Manchuria andChina's Jehol Province.

Was manchuria a puppet state?

Yes, Manchuria was a puppet state established by Imperial Japan in the 1930s. It was known as Manchukuo and was used by Japan to exert control over the region and exploit its resources. However, many countries did not recognize it as a legitimate state due to its creation under Japanese occupation.

Which nation is manchuria part of?

Manchuria was a Chinese City in the early 1920's before Japan took it over in 1931 due to Japan's needs for oil which America refused to give after Japan joined the Axis Powers. Manchuria yielded the needed oil and was next to the Japanese island, so japan took it over. After the war ended, though, the league of nations decided to give it to the people's republic of China and Mongolia....A country in Asia.

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