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Q: Who signed the treaty of alliance?
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The nation that signed a treaty of alliance with the revolutionary US in 1778 was?


The nation that signed the treaty of alliance with the revolutionary US in 1778 was?


Which country signed a Treaty of Alliance with the US on February 6th?


What 3 documents did Benjamin Franklin sign?

Benjamin (BEN) Franklin signed 4 important documents for the US. First, he signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He then signed the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778. He then signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783. And lastly, he signed the US Constitution in 1787. Thankyou for reading, I hope this helped.

What country signed a treaty alliance with the US?

France, Germany, Brittan, Japan, or Cuba

Who was the agent of American congress in France who signed a military alliance with that government?

The Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance between France and the US was signed on February 6, 1778 . The three American representatives are Benjamin Franklin, Arthur Lee, and Silas Deane.

How did the American victory at saratoga help the continental army?

king louis XVI signed the treaty of alliance

Which European country signed a treaty of alliance with the colonies helping the patriots with the Revolutionary War?

That would be France.

What European country signed a Treaty of Alliance with the colonies helping the patriots win the Revolutionary War?

The Kingdom of France.

The peace treaty courageously signed by President John Adams that ended the undeclared war with France as well as the official French-American alliance?

Treaty of Mortefontaine

The first military alliance US entered into during peacetime?

The first American military treaty was the Treaty of Alliance, signed 6 February 1778 with France. The purpose was a military alliance against Great Britain. It was followed by the Treaty of Amity and Commerce that promoted trade and commercial ties between the two countries

What is a brief history of the ANZUS treaty?

it was an alliance between Australia,new Zealand and the untied states,three nations that came together to form an alliance,it was signed in 1951